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       本主题类别: RDF/RDFS | LarKC    
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    发贴心情 LarKC3.0发布

    LarKC3.0 正式发布, 欢迎大家使用

    the LarKC project's development team would like to announce a new release (v.3.0) of the LarKC platform, which is available for downloading at http://sourceforge.net/projects/larkc/files/Release-3.0/LarKC_v3.0.zip/download

    The new release is a considerable improvement of the previous release (v.2.5), with the following distinctive features:

    - New (plain) plug-in registry
    * light-weight plug-in loading and thus very low platform's start-up time
    * adding/removing/replacing the plug-ins during the platform run, so that no restart is needed
    * the plug-in registry from the previous releases, which is based on the Cyc's Knowledge Base
       with extended reasoning capabilities, can still be used if the platform is started with the "-cyc" option
    - New End-point support system
    * end-points became plug-able and can be added to the plug-in on-the-fly by means of the special registry,
       similar as plug-ins
    * added maven archetype that enables easy creation of new end-points
    - Improved html-based Management Interface
    * retrieval of the list of registered workflows
    * special field for specification of the end-point's URL for query submission
    - Improved remote execution framework
    * the remote host's properties can be specified in both ways - directly in the workflow description
       and in a separate file

    - Considerably updated Workflow Designer application
    * specification of the URL where the LarKC management interface is provided (when the platform is running
       not on the localhost)
    * a possibility to load the RDF textual workflow's description, edit it, and construct a graphical representation
       out of the textual version
    * reverse-engineering - construction of the textual description out of the graphical representation
    * an interface for specification of the needed end-point
    - Completely redeveloped Eclipse Wizard for plug-in development
    * support of Maven for creation of new plug-ins

    - improved maven archetype for even more easy construction of new plug-ins
    - extended set of workflows included

    - added quick-start guide from one of the LarKC tutorials

    The release can be downloaded from http://sourceforge.net/projects/larkc/files/Release-3.0/LarKC_v3.0.zip/download
    The platform's manual is available at http://sourceforge.net/projects/larkc/files/Release-3.0/LarKC_Platform_Manual_3.0.pdf/download
    The quick start guide can be found at http://sourceforge.net/projects/larkc/files/Release-3.0/LarKC_Quickstart_Guide.pdf/download

    If you encounter any bugs, please notify us about them using the bug tracker at https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=226733&atid=1069111
    As usually, you are encouraged to use the discussion forums and mailing lists served by the LarKC@SourceForge development environment.
    please see at https://sourceforge.net/projects/larkc/

    We wish you a pleasant experience with the new platform,
    the LarKC development team

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