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    >> Cloud Computing(云计算), SaaS(软件即服务), Grid Computing(网格计算), OGSA, OGSI, WSRF, Globus Toolkit, Semantic P2P(语义P2P), Semantic Grid(语义网格), P2P Computing(对等计算),
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    发贴心情 [公告]GCC 2008(第七届网格与协同计算国际会议)征文推迟!

    7th International Conference on Grid
    and Cooperative Computing
    (GCC 2008)
    Call for Papers
    October 24 ~ 26, 2008
    Shenzhen, China

    Submission Deadline: June 30, 2008 (Extended)!

    Organized by:
    Institute of Advanced Computing and Digital Engineering,
    Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology,
    Chinese Academy of Sciences

    Conference Committee
    General Chair:
    Jianping Fan
    Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology (SIAT), CAS, China
    General Co-chair:
    Miron Livny
    University of Wisconsin, USA
    PC Chair:
    Guangwen Yang
    Tsinghua University, China
    PC Co-chair:
    Denis Caromel
    University of Nice - Sophia Antipolis, France
    Finance and Organization Chair:
    Shengzhong Feng, Ling Chen
    Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology (SIAT), CAS, China

    Recent years have seen rapid advances in various grid-related technologies, grid middleware as well as grid applications. The GCC conference has become one of the world-wide largest scientific events in the area of grid and cooperative computing. The 7th international conference on grid and cooperative computing (GCC2008) is to be held Oct. 24-26, 2008 in Shenzhen, China. Shenzhen is situated in the southern province of Guangdong, which borders Hong Kong.
    GCC2008 is to cater for a stimulating forum for researchers and practitioners in related fields, where people get together to exchange ideas, experiences and up-to-date technological advances. Hereby, we call for submission of papers that are related to various aspects of grid and cooperative computing.
    The main topics of interest include, but not limited to:
      - Theory of grid computing
      - Service-oriented foundation of grid computing
      - Peer-to-Peer Computing
      - Novel grid architectures
      - Service Computing Technologies & Applications
      - Cooperative system, architecture and algorithms
      - High Performance Computing and Network Communications
      - Parallel & Distributed Architectures, Applications and Algorithms
      - Distributed and Large-Scale Data Access and Management
      - Grid middleware
      - Resource organization and management for grid computing
      - Empirical study of real-world applications or industrial case studies
      - Resource virtualization for grid computing
      - Grid workflow and service composition
      - Grid usage models and portal tools
      - Grid programming models and environments
      - Engineering Approaches to grid applications
      - Semantic basis for grid computing
      - Grid interoperability
      - Grid monitoring and accounting
      - Quality of services, performance and deployment issues
      - Security, dependability, survivability and reliability issues in grid computing
      - Domain-specific approaches to grid engineering
      - Software engineering support for grid and cooperative computing

    Accepted papers will be published by the IEEE Computer Society. Selected papers will be considered for publication in International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing (IJGUC), International Journal of Web Services Research (JWSR), and International Transactions on Systems Science and Applications (ITSSA).
    For details on how to submit papers, please consult the conference webpage http://www.siat.ac.cn/gcc2008

    Important Dates:
    Deadline of paper submission:  June 30, 2008 ( extended! )
    Notification of acceptance:  July 31, 2008
    Registration and Delivery of camera-ready files deadline:  August 31, 2008
    Conference dates:  October 24-26, 2008

    Invited Keynote Speaker (ordered alphabetically): (to be increased)
    Dr. Jack Dongarra
    ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, AAAS Fellow, Turning Fellow at Manchester University, Distinguished Professor in Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at University of Tennessee...
    Dr. Geoffrey Charles Fox
    Professor of Computer Science and Physics at Indiana University, Distinguished Scientist of Laboratory for Community Grid at Indiana University...
    Dr. Carl Kesselman
    Fellow of British Computing Society, Co-leader of the Globus Project, Fellow in the Information Sciences Institute at the University of Southern California...
    Dr. Thierry Priol
    Senior scientist and Research Director at INRIA, Leader of PARIS project-team, Scientific Coordinator of the CoreGRID Network of Excellence...

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    点击查看用户来源及管理<br>发贴IP:*.*.*.* 2008/6/16 11:03:00
     rayren 帅哥哟,离线,有人找我吗?魔羯座1980-1-1

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