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    >> 本版讨论Semantic Web(语义Web,语义网或语义万维网, Web 3.0)及相关理论,如:Ontology(本体,本体论), OWL(Web Ontology Langauge,Web本体语言), Description Logic(DL, 描述逻辑),RDFa,Ontology Engineering等。
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     * 贴子主题: 论文征集(EI检索): Web-KR3 2011国际研讨会,法国里昂,2011年8月 举报  打印  推荐  IE收藏夹 
       本主题类别: Ontology Language | Description Logics    
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    发贴心情 论文征集(EI检索): Web-KR3 2011国际研讨会,法国里昂,2011年8月

    The 2011 International Workshop on Web-scale Knowledge Representation, Retrieval, and Reasoning (Web-KR3 2011)

    Lyon, France, 22 August 2011

    The World Wide Web has become the carrier for the largest human knowledge repository in history. As its knowledge bases are growing towards a practically ‘infinite’ volume, Web-scale Knowledge Representation, Retrieval, and Reasoning (Web-KR3) is becoming a real issue and an urgent task. Although the Web community has developed a number of knowledge representation languages and reasoning methods, when the volume goes Web-scale, existing approaches meet many challenging problems, such as scalability, inconsistency, uncertainty and dynamics. Hence, a unified approach to Web-KR3 needs to be developed.

    Following the successful 2010 version of the workshop under the same title. This workshop aims to bringing together researchers from Web research, Artificial Intelligence (AI), high performance computing, cognitive science, knowledge management, and machine learning to discuss all issues of Web-KR3 in a synergistic setting. The workshop will be co-located with the 2011 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conferences on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology.

    Topics of Interest

    Research contributions should be related but are not limited to one or more of the following topics:

    * Expressivity of Web-scale common sense knowledge.
    * Web enabled real-time retrieval and reasoning.
    * New forms of inductive and deductive reasoning (e.g. cognitive and nature inspired methods).
    * Spatial and Temporal reasoning methods for the Web.
    * Parallelization and distribution techniques for Web-scale knowledge retrieval and reasoning.
    * Inconsistency, uncertainty, and relevancy of Web-scale reasoning.
    * Granularity of knowledge representation, retrieval and reasoning.
    * Web-scale ontology and rule interchange and integration.(e.g. via OWL 2, RIF, and RuleML)
    * Dynamics of knowledge updating and forgetting on the Web.
    * Distributed query answering over Web-scale data.
    * Cross-fertilizing Web-KR3 with Distributed AI, Distributed Description Logic, and Distributed Logic Programming.


    All submissions for the Web-KR3 2011 Workshop should be submitted through the WI/IAT 2011 Workshop Paper Submission system(http://liris.cnrs.fr/~wi-iat11/IAT_2011/submission/). Submissions are to be 4 pages in length (IEEE-CS format). A maximum of one additional page can be included, but is subject to a surcharge on the conference registration fee.

    All submissions will be reviewed by at least two members of the Program Committee on the basis of :

    * relevance to the workshop topic of interests.
    * significance and technical quality
    * originality
    * format and clarity

    Style Files for Paper Submission

    IEEE Computer Society Proceedings Manuscript Formatting Guidelines:

    * DOC: ftp://pubftp.computer.org/press/outgoing/proceedings/instruct8.5x11.doc
    * PDF: ftp://pubftp.computer.org/press/outgoing/proceedings/instruct8.5x11.pdf
    * PS: ftp://pubftp.computer.org/press/outgoing/proceedings/instruct.ps
    * LaTex Formatting Macros: ftp.computer.org/Press/Outgoing/proceedings/IEEE_CS_Latex8.5x11x2.zip

    Publication of Accepted Papers

    * Accepted papers will be published by the IEEE Press in the WI/IAT 2011 Workshop Proceedings and the electronic copy will be provided on the workshop day.
    * The papers in the workshop proceedings will also be available in the IEEE Digital Library, the ACM Digital Library, and will be indexed by Engineering Index Compendex (EI), Inspec, etc (Previous Web-KR3 2010 workshop papers have been indexed in Engineering Index Compendex (EI) and Inspec).
    * The organization team will select 1-2 papers and recommend to "Web Intelligence and Agent Systems" (Selected papers must be extended and meet the journal quality).

    Important Dates

    * Workshop paper submissions: March 21, 2011
    * Notification of Workshop paper acceptance: June 1, 2011
    * Camera-ready copies of accepted papers: June 10, 2011
    * Workshop day: August 22, 2011

    Workshop Co-Chairs

    * Robert Tolksdorf
    Networked Information Systems Group,
    Freie Universität Berlin, Germany.

    * Yi Zeng,
    International WIC Institute,
    Beijing University of Technogy, China.

    * Zhisheng Huang,
    Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Group,
    Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

    Program Committee

    * Manuel Salvadores (University of Southampton, United Kingdom)
    * Joshua Shinaver (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA)
    * Surjeet Mishra (Tata Consultancy Services, India)
    * Gong Cheng (Southeast University, China)
    * Jeff Pan (The University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom)
    * Willem Robert van Hage (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the Netherlands)
    * Wei Hu (Nanjing University, China)
    * Alessandra Mileo (Digital Enterprise Research Institute Galway, Ireland)
    * Raúl García Castro (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain)
    * Adrian Paschke (Freie Universitaet Berlin, Germany)
    * Markus Luczak-Rösch (Freie Universität Berlin , Germany)
    * Lyndon Nixon (STI International, Vienna)
    * Reto Krummenacher (STI Innsbruck, Austria)

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