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     * 贴子主题: Call for paper for special session on social media data mining-新加坡19届IEEE国际网络会议 举报  打印  推荐  IE收藏夹 
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    发贴心情 Call for paper for special session on social media data mining-新加坡19届IEEE国际网络会议

    19届IEEE国际网络会议将在新加坡举行,http://www.ieee-icon.org/2013/ 。 其中我们有组织special session on social media data minig, 欢迎投稿。 所有special session paper 将会被EI检索(appear in IEEE Xplore and are EI indexed)。 如果有认识朋友感兴趣的请帮忙转发,谢谢!
    投稿截止日期是: 15 july 2013
    具体信息清参考网站 http://www.ieee-icon.org/2013/,

    We are planning to hold a special session on Data mining on social media/ nextworking data in the 19th IEEE International Conference on Networks (ICON2013), which will be held in Singapore on 11-13 December 2013. http://www.ieee-icon.org/2013/  All special session papers will appear in IEEE Xplore and are EI indexed.

    We would like to invite you to join our special session or if you have some friends or colleagues who are intersted in this special session, pls. kindly help us forward :)

    ICON 2013 19TH IEEE International Conference on Networks


    11-13 December 2013, Singapore

    The proposed special session focuses on gathering a few unpublished research and review articles related to data mining on social media / networking data such as blogging, micro blogging, wikis, media sharing and so on. Besides paying attention to social media sharing and pure data mining of social data, authors also need to put sufficient focus on social networking architecture/design/patterns/etc.

    To submit paper(s) to the Special Session of ICON 2013, please visit

    http://www.ieee-icon.org/2013/ and click on “Submit to Special Session”.

    Paper Submission Deadline: 15 July 2013

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