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    发贴心情 OASIS News: 18 June 2007

    OASIS News
    18 June 2007

    Welcome to OASIS News, a bi-weekly update of announcements, accomplishments,
    and activities for the international open standards consortium.

    In this issue:

    * OASIS announces results of Board and TAB elections  
    * WS-ReliableMessaging becomes an OASIS Standard
    * Voting begins on WS-SecurityPolicy 1.2
    * Search Web Services TC forms
    * OASIS seeks presentations for Open Standards Forum in London
    * Public review begins for Web Services Transaction 1.1 Errata
    * TC forms OASIS DITA Semiconductor Subcommittee
    * TCs host six webinars on security standards
    * Other TC news
    * Upcoming deadlines
    * Upcoming events

    OASIS announces results of Board and TAB elections  

    Peter Brown of Pensive.eu, Mike DeNicola of Fujitsu, Eduardo Gutentag of Sun
    Microsystems, Claus von Riegen of SAP, and Michael Winters of IBM were chosen
    by members to serve on the OASIS Board of Directors. Martin Chapman of Oracle,
    Bill Cox, Hal Lockhart of BEA, and Madhav Vodnala of Fiorano Software were
    elected to the Technical Advisory Board. All will serve two-year terms which
    will begin 3 August 2007. OASIS expressed deepest appreciation to departing
    Board member, Chris Kurt of Microsoft, for his service and guidance since 2001,
    and to Pete Wenzel of Sun Microsystems for his long-term participation on the


    WS-ReliableMessaging becomes an OASIS Standard

    Members have approved version 1.1 of WS-ReliableMessaging as an OASIS Standard.
    WS-ReliableMessaging allows messages to be transferred reliably despite
    failures in software components, systems, or networks. The new standard enables
    a broad range of reliability features, including ordered delivery, duplicate
    elimination, and guaranteed receipt. Congratulations to TC co-chairs, Paul
    Fremantle of WSO2 and Sanjay Patil of SAP, and to all WS-RX TC members for this


    Voting begins on WS-SecurityPolicy 1.2

    The Consortium has issued a Call for Vote to all member organizations to
    determine if WS-SecurityPolicy version 1.2 should be approved as an OASIS
    Standard. Produced by the OASIS Web Services Secure Exchange (WS-SX) TC,
    WS-SecurityPolicy defines a base set of assertions that describe how messages
    should be secured in the WS-Policy framework. Members who wish to discuss this
    ballot may do so through the member-discuss@lists.oasis-open.org mailing list.
    The ballot will remain open until 30 June.


    Search Web Services TC forms

    Members of OASIS have organized a new TC to develop a Web service interface
    specification covering search/retrieval, query, sorting, record retrieval, and
    index browsing. Proposers of the OASIS Search Web Services TC include
    representatives of Australia's Department of Education, Science and Training
    (DEST), US Library of Congress, University of Manchester, the Massachusetts
    Institute of Technology, and others. Convened by Ray Denenberg of the US
    Library of Congress, the TC's first meeting will be a teleconference on 18
    July. New participants are welcome.


    OASIS seeks presentations for Open Standards Forum in London

    A Call for Papers has been issued for the consortium's annual European Forum.
    This year's theme will be "Enabling Transitional Government Through Web
    Services and SOA." OASIS invites proposals for presentations and panel sessions
    that address standardisation for message security, reliable messaging,
    transaction, choreography and orchestration. Suggestions for case studies,
    particularly those involving the public sector, are also welcome. The Open
    Standards Forum will be held 29-30 October in London. The deadline to submit
    presentation abstracts is 13 July.


    Public review begins for Web Services Transaction 1.1 Errata

    The OASIS Web Services Transaction (WS-TX) TC has approved Web Services
    Transaction version 1.1 Errata as a Committee Draft and submitted it for public
    review. The specification defines protocols for coordinating the outcome of
    distributed application actions. The review ends 21 June.


    TC forms OASIS DITA Semiconductor Subcommittee   

    Semiconductor companies are joining together within OASIS to collaborate on a
    DITA specialization for their industry. DITA is an OASIS Standard for document
    creation and management that builds content reuse into the authoring process.
    This specialization work will provide semiconductor companies with the
    opportunity to reduce their in-house development costs and increase customer
    reach. The subcommittee, chaired by Bob Beims of Freescale Semiconductor,
    welcomes new participation.


    TCs host six webinars on security standards

    Beginning 9 July, OASIS will present six free webinars, each covering a
    standard or specification related to security.
    Information on SAML, XACML, SPML, DSS, and EKMI will be provided by TC members.
    Attendees will learn about advances in access control, provisioning,
    authentication, encryption, biometrics, digital signatures, and more. Webinars
    will be held daily at 3:00PM GMT (8:00AM San Francisco, 11:00AM Boston, 4:00PM
    London). Register for one or all six.


    Other TC news

    CGM Open WebCGM TC approved WebCGM v2.0 Errata.

    Web Services Reliable Exchange (WS-RX) TC clarified its charter.

    Business-Centric Methodology (BCM) TC transitioned to "RF on Limited Terms" IPR

    Upcoming deadlines

    21 Jun:
      Web Services Transaction 1.1 Errata public review

    30 Jun:
      WS-SecurityPolicy 1.2 OASIS Standard ballot

    9 Jul:
      Document standards interoperability discussion list  

    13 Jul:
      Abstract submissions for Open Standards Forum in London

    16 Jul:
      Code List Representation 1.0 public review

    18 Jul:
      First meeting of Search Web Services TC

    Upcoming events

    OASIS staff will represent the consortium at the following events. Staff
    welcome the opportunity to meet with members and prospective members during
    these events. To schedule a F2F meeting, contact staff directly using email
    addresses listed at http://www.oasis-open.org/who/staff.php.

    18-19 Jun
    W3C Workshop on eGovernment
    Washington DC, USA
    (James Bryce Clark)

    19-20 Jun
    Localisation World
    Berlin, Germany
    (Matteo Pederzoli)

    20-21 Jun
    Geneva Security Forum
    Geneva, Switzerland
    (Patrick Gannon)

    26 Jun
    Biodiversity Conservation Workshop
    Arlington, VA, USA
    (Scott McGrath and Peter Roden)

    26-29 Jun
    UN Global Forum on Reinventing Government
    Vienna, Austria
    (Carol Cosgrove-Sacks)

    28 Jun
    XACML OASIS InterOp at Catalyst Conference
    San Francisco, California
    (Dee Schur)

    27 Jun
    Symposium on Standardization of Software Enterprises
    OASIS Regional China Office
    Beijing, China
    (Patrick Gannon)

    30 Jun
    2007 Open Forum for Standards Developers
    Boston, MA, USA
    (James Bryce Clark)

    OASIS co-sponsored events:

    22-27 Jul
    XML Summer School
    Oxford, United Kingdom

    23-27 Jul
    Vancouver, British Columbia

    1-3 Aug
    Open Publish
    Sydney, Australia  

    7-10 Aug
    Extreme Markup Languages
    Montreal, Canada

    All events:  http://www.oasis-open.org/events/calendar.php

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