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    发贴心情 OASIS News: 2 July 2007

    OASIS News
    2 July 2007

    Welcome to OASIS News, a bi-weekly update of announcements,
    accomplishments, and activities for the international open standards

    In this issue:
    * New mission statement focuses on global information society
    * WS-SecurityPolicy becomes an OASIS Standard
    * Five new TCs form under Open CSA Member Section
    * Digital Signature Services eXtended (DSS-X) TC forms
    * OASIS Standard ballot on DITA 1.1 opens soon
    * Public review begins for Customer Information Quality (CIQ) 3.0
    * Video interview with OASIS CEO explores ROI of standards
    * OASIS announces Program Committee for Open Standards Forum
    * Consortium seeks research assistant for Cover Pages

    New mission statement focuses on global information society

    In response to requests from members to broaden the consortium's
    positioning beyond "e-business", OASIS has edited its mission statement
    and tagline. The new mission statement, "OASIS drives the development,
    convergence, and adoption of open standards for the global information
    society", and tagline "Advancing open standards for the information
    society", will be featured throughout the OASIS web site and other

    WS-SecurityPolicy becomes an OASIS Standard

    Members have approved version 1.2 of WS-SecurityPolicy as an OASIS
    Standard. WS-SecurityPolicy defines a base set of assertions that describe
    how messages are to be secured in the WS-Policy framework. Congratulations
    to Web Services Secure Exchange (WS-SX) TC co-chairs, Kelvin Lawrence of
    IBM and Chris Kaler of Microsoft, and to all WS-SX TC members for this


    Six new TCs form under Open CSA Member Section

    Members of the OASIS Open CSA Member Section have organized six new TCs to
    advance development of the Service Component Architecture (SCA) family of
    specifications. SCA describes a model for building applications and
    systems using a service-oriented architecture. The new OASIS SCA Policy TC
    will be convened by Michael Rowley of BEA, the SCA Assembly TC by Martin
    Chapman of Oracle, the SCA Bindings TC by Mike Edwards of IBM, the SCA/J
    TC by Henning Blohm of SAP, the SCA BPEL TC by Mike Edwards of IBM and the
    SCA C/C++ TC by Bryan Aupperle of IBM. All these TCs welcome new


    Digital Signature Services eXtended (DSS-X) TC forms

    Members of OASIS have organized a new TC to advance new profiles for the
    DSS OASIS Standard and maintain the specification. Proposers of the OASIS
    DSS-X TC include representatives of CATCert-Agencia Catalana de
    Certificacio, BEA, and others. Convened by Juan Carlos Cruellas of CANET,
    the TC's first meeting will be a teleconference on 23 July. New
    participants are welcome.


    OASIS Standard ballot on DITA 1.1 opens soon

    The OASIS Darwin Information Typing Architecture TC has submitted DITA
    version 1.1 to be considered as an OASIS Standard. DITA 1.1 advances a
    document creation and management specification that builds content reuse
    into the authoring process. On 16 July, a Call for Vote on DITA 1.1 will
    be issued to all OASIS member organizations. Members who wish to discuss
    this ballot may do so through member-discuss@lists.oasis-open.org.


    Public review begins for Customer Information Quality (CIQ) 3.0

    The OASIS CIQ TC has approved CIQ version 3.0 as a Committee Draft and
    submitted it for public review. CIQ provides a set of industry- and
    application-neutral XML specifications for representing, interoperating,
    and managing party (person/organization) centric information. The review
    ends 26 August.


    Video interview with OASIS CEO explores ROI of standards

    A 25-minute conversation between Patrick Gannon, president and CEO of
    OASIS, and Gregory Maciag, CEO of the ACORD insurance standards
    organization, is now available online. In the interview, Gannon discusses
    data integration, Composite Service Architecture, cross-industry
    applications, and the common ground of OASIS and ACORD standards.


    OASIS announces Program Committee for Open Standards Forum

    Industry experts, Tim Jennings, Research Director for the Butler Group;
    Martin Raepple, Standards Architect at SAP; and Pim van der Eijk, European
    Representative for OASIS, will serve on the Programme Committee for OASIS'
    annual European Forum. The event, which will be held 29-30 October in
    London, will explore the theme, "Enabling Transitional Government
    Through Web Services and SOA." Members of the Programme Committee will be
    evaluating proposals for presentations and panel sessions that address
    standardisation for message security, reliable messaging, transaction,
    choreography and orchestration. The deadline to submit presentation
    abstracts is 13 July.


    Consortium seeks research assistant for Cover Pages

    Qualified individuals are encouraged to apply for a part-time position
    working with Robin Cover in the collection, editing, and publication of
    standards information for the Cover Pages web site
    (http://xml.coverpages.org/) and for the newsletter, XML Daily Newslink.
    This assistant will conduct research about XML standards activity, based
    upon prescribed research objectives, organizing the content in markup
    format suitable for publication.



    Important dates:

    9 Jul:
      Webinar series on OASIS security standards begin

      Discussion list on document standards interoperability closes

    13 Jul:
      Abstracts due for OASIS Open Standards Forum in London

    16 Jul:
      Code List Representation 1.0 public review closes

    18 Jul:
      Search Web Services TC holds first meeting

    26 Aug:
      Customer Information Quality (CIQ) 3.0 public review closes


    Recent press releases:

    OASIS Members Form Committee to Standardize Symmetric Encryption Key
    Management Across the Enterprise

    Members Approve WS-ReliableMessaging as OASIS Standard

    Members Approve Content Assembly Mechanism (CAM) 1.1 as OASIS Standard


    **Membership Tip #40**

    Organize an InterOp to demonstrate cross-vendor support for a spec.

    OASIS News is published in English, Chinese, Japanese, and Russian.
    Volunteers to translate the newsletter into other languages are welcome;
    contact communications@oasis-open.org.

    Archives: http://www.oasis-open.org/news/oasis_news_archive.php


    [Un]Subscribe/change address: http://www.oasis-open.org/mlmanage/

    Alternately, subscribe via email: news-subscribe@lists.oasis-open.org

    Unsubscribe via email: news-unsubscribe@lists.oasis-open.org

    List Guidelines: http://www.oasis-open.org/maillists/guidelines.php/

    Join OASIS: http://www.oasis-open.org/join/

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