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    发贴心情 OASIS News: 23 Jun

    Welcome to OASIS News, a bi-weekly update of announcements, accomplishments, and activities for the international open standards consortium.

    In this issue:

    * OASIS Introduces Non-Assertion Mode to IPR Policy
    * IDtrust announces Identity Management 2009
    * OASIS Standard vote opens for IMI 1.0
    * OASIS Standard vote opens for three WS-DD specifications
    * XSPA SAML Profile for Healthcare 1.0 public review begins
    * DSS Signature Policy Profile 1.0 public review begins
    * WS-SecurityPolicy Examples public review begins
    * CIQ Party Relationships (xPRL) 3.0 public review begins
    * SCA-J and SCA POJO 1.1 public review begins
    * OASIS sets new Associate dues
    * Liscia blogs on SmartGrid conference
    * Developers collaborate at ODF Plugfest in The Hague
    * Open CSA and OASIS Telecom elect Steering Committee members

    OASIS Introduces Non-Assertion Mode to IPR Policy

    TCs that form after 4 August 2009 will have the option to work under a new Non-Assertion Covenant mode of the OASIS Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Policy. Non-assertion covenants ensure that organizations or individuals who participate in writing a standard cannot demand royalty or exercise license rights against users or implementers of such approved standards. The new mode comes in response to member feedback and is in keeping with the global user community's increasing demand for more freely available and open solutions.


    IDtrust announces Identity Management 2009

    The U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) will host the OASIS IDtrust Member Section's Identity Management 2009 in Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA, 28-29 Sept. The theme of the event will be "Transparent Government: Risk, Rewards, and Repercussions." Presentations on Information Cards/OpenID/SAML, social media, authentication, smart cards, citizen privacy, cloud computing, and key management will be featured. The deadline to submit proposals is 10 July. Sponsorship opportunities are available.


    OASIS Standard vote opens for IMI 1.0

    Balloting for version 1.0 of the Identity Metasystem Interoperability (IMI) specification is underway until 30 June. IMI aims to allow users to manage their digital identities as "Information Cards" and use them to access online services. The specification was developed by representatives of Foundational Sponsors, IBM and Microsoft, and by Sponsors, CA, Novell,  and others. All organizational members of OASIS are encouraged to vote on IMI; those who wish to discuss this ballot may do so through member-discuss@lists.oasis-open.org.


    OASIS Standard vote opens for three WS-DD specifications

    Balloting for versions 1.1 of the SOAP-over-UDP, Web Services Dynamic Discovery (WS-Discovery), and Devices Profile for Web Services (DPWS) specifications is underway until 30 June. The specifications were developed by the Web Services Discovery and Web Services Devices Profile (WS-DD) TC, which includes representatives of Foundational Sponsors, IBM and  Microsoft, and Sponsors, CA, Novell, Progress Software, Red Hat, Ricoh, Software AG, and others. All organizational members of OASIS are encouraged to vote on these specifications; those who wish to discuss the ballots may do so through member-discuss@lists.oasis-open.org.


    XSPA SAML Profile for Healthcare 1.0 public review begins

    The Cross-Enterprise Security and Privacy Authorization (XSPA) Profile of the Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) for Healthcare describes a framework in which SAML can be used to satisfy requirements pertaining to security within the healthcare community. This public review ends 30 June.


    DSS Signature Policy Profile 1.0 public review begins

    The Signature Policy Profile extends the Digital Signature Services (DSS) protocol by specifying a number of operations for managing the generation and verification of electronic signatures. This public review ends 14 August.


    WS-SecurityPolicy Examples public review begins

    WS-SecurityPolicy (WSSP) Examples provides information on how to set up WSSP policies for a variety of common token types. Particular attention is focused on security bindings. This public review ends 14 August.


    CIQ Party Relationships (xPRL) 3.0 public review begins

    Customer Information Quality xPRL provides a set of XML vocabulary specifications for defining person or organization characteristics and describing relationships between parties. This public review ends 16 August.


    SCA-J and SCA POJO 1.1 public review begins

    The Service Component Architecture SCA-J Common Annotations and APIs defines a Java syntax for programming concepts defined in the SCA Assembly Model. The SCA POJO Component Implementation describes how a Java class provides an implementation of an SCA component, including its various attributes such as services, references, and properties. This public review ends 7 August.


    OASIS sets new Associate dues

    In order to establish a more equitable subsidy level between corporate and personal memberships, dues for new members joining OASIS at the Associate level have been raised. Current Associate members will be able to renew at their previous rate through December 2009. This change affects Associates only; dues for Foundational Sponsors, Sponsors, Contributors, and Individual members remain unchanged. Contact member-services@oasis-open.org for details.

    Liscia blogs on SmartGrid and patents

    Laurent Liscia, OASIS executive director, blogs this week about his experiences at ConnectivityWeek and the related OASIS BlueConnect conference. Laurent offers unique observations on how the utility, controls, and software worlds are coming together to lay the groundwork for the Smart Grid. He explores how our new Energy Interoperation TC and Emergency work fit into this space. In a separate blog, Laurent speaks to the sometimes uncomfortable relationship between patents and standards and the impact that can have on innovation.


    Developers collaborate at ODF Plugfest in The Hague

    The Dutch government program, Netherlands in Open Connection, and the OpenDoc Society cosponsored the two-day ODF 'plugfest' at the Royal Library in The Hague, 15-16 June 2009, where vendors and open source projects were able to test ODF capabilities with each other in real-world, collaborative scenarios. Bart Hanssens, ODF Interoperability and Conformance TC chair, and Rob Weir, ODF TC co-chair, participated and delivered presentations. The plug-fest was notable for the broad participation from industry and open source communities.


    Open CSA and OASIS Telecom elect Steering Committee members

    Anil Gurnani, Jeff Mischkinsky of Oracle, and Sanjay Patil of SAP have been elected to two-year terms on the OASIS Open CSA Member Section Steering Committee. Paul Knight, Orit Levin of Microsoft, and Enrico Ronco of Telecom Italia have been elected to two-year terms on the OASIS Telecom Member Section Steering Committee. Congratulations to all.


    Important dates:

    22 Jun
    Energy Interoperation TC holds first meeting

    22-23 Jun
    OASIS, WMO, ITU hold workshop on CAP Identifiers in Geneva  http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/www/ISS/Meetings/WIS-CAP_Geneva2009/DocPlan.html

    23 Jun
    OASIS Board and TAB elections close

    Service Component Architecture (SCA) public review ends

    24 Jun
    ebXML-Messaging Profiles public review ends

    OAXAL Reference Model 1.0 public review ends

    25-26 Jun
    OASIS co-sponsors European e-ID Management Conference in London   

    28 Jun
    UBL Guidelines for Customization 1.0 public review ends

    30 Jun
    DSS Visible Signature Profile 1.0 public review ends

    OASIS Standard ballot for three WS-DD specifications closes

    OASIS Standard ballot for IMI closes

    XSPA SAML Profile for Healthcare 1.0 public review ends

    20 Jul
    Public review of eight XACML specifications ends

    27 Jul
    Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) 1.2 public review ends

    7 Aug
    SCA-J and SCA POJO 1.1 public review ends

    14 Aug
    DSS Signature Policy Profile 1.0 public review ends

    WS-SecurityPolicy Examples public review ends

    16 Aug
    CIQ Party Relationships (xPRL) 3.0 public review ends

    OASIS News is published in English, Chinese, French, and Korean. Volunteers to translate the newsletter into other languages are welcome; contact communications@oasis-open.org.

    Archives: http://www.oasis-open.org/news/oasis_news_archive.php


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    Alternately, subscribe via email: news-subscribe@lists.oasis-open.org

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