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    发贴心情 人事主管给大学生的就业建议


    Don't know how to get HR's attention with your resume's experience description? Don't know how to parlay an internship into a full-time position?

    Question: What's the most efficient way to find an internship? Send a resume? Make cold calls? Use the network? Any others?

    泰科电子亚太地区人力资源VP Kevin Kang建议:“尝试任何途径获得实习机会,冷不防地向企业打电话也可以。包括我公司在内的公司都不介意接到这种电话。”  
    "Do everything you can think of to get an internship even by making cold calls. Many companies, including mine, don't mind getting them," is the advice of Kevin Kang from Tyco Electronics.

    Kang also noted that they had got two good students for internships recently, who had won prizes in a contest sponsored by the company.

    So, winning a contest might be another good way for you to be noticed.

    Of course, you'll stand a better chance getting an internship if you have alumni or friends in the company who can recommend you.

    Question: Could my internship turn into a job?  

    You may be "only an intern," but that shouldn't stop you from acting like an employee.

    Kevin Kang表示:“实习是评价一个学生的好方法。”  
    "An internship is a good way to evaluate students," says Kevin Kang.

    Edelman 的Tracy Wu 还建议实习生们尽力做好主管人交代的工作,在此基础上好好表现他们的创造性。  
    Tracy Wu from Edelman advises interns to try their best to do the tasks requested by their supervisor, while at the same time remembering to show some creativity.

    Question: I'm from a non-key university so it's difficult for me to find a good internship. What can I do?

    Many students complain about this sort of "discrimination". According to He Wei, the campus director at Zhaopin.com, "You just have to face reality."

    In fact, a degree from a prestigious university is not absolutely necessary for success.

    爱德曼国际公关(中国)有限公司的Tracy Wu的建议是:如果你毕业于普通大学,你需要采取行动装备自己。  
    If you study at a not-so-well-known university, you need to take the initiative and arm yourself, is Tracy Wu's solution.

    Great English skills, for example, will clearly give you a really big advantage no matter where you are, even if your education is not so persuasive.  

    Small company experience is also valuable, especially if you want to establish your own business.

    Q: Is it true that, in HR people's eyes, an internship with a large multinational company beats one in a small company?

    事实并非如此。翰威特咨询公司人力资源部经理Chen Jie表示:“很明显,拥有大公司工作经验的人能脱颖而出,但我们也明白通常你能在小企业中学到更多。”
    Not really. "Obviously, big company experience does stand out, but we also know that sometimes you can get more in a small business." according to Hewitt's Chen Jie.

    中国移动人力资源经理Wu Qiong表示:“与在大公司中做琐碎的行政工作相比,小公司中需要更多专业能力的具体工作更让我们感兴趣。”  
    "We get interested in more substantial, concrete tasks that require more professional skills, even if it's in a small company, rather than trivial administrative work in big companies," commented Wu Qiong, HR project manager at China Mobile.

    HRs at China Mobile usually ignore people who have only done the work of an assistant.

    Q: How do I get my intern experience to improve my resume and attract HR managers?

    He Wei表示,在最初的简历审核环节,人事职员只看履历中的两大部分,并以此来决定是否继续看下去。  
    He Wei said that, in their preliminary resume evaluation, HR personnel glance at two main parts in your CV to decide whether to look any further.  

    One is the basic information about your major and university. The other is social skills, both on and off campus.  

    Your resume will not be carefully checked before you get to the interview process.

    Wu also points to a big problem with student resumes concerning internship experience: "Some students are obviously exaggerating their work experience. Employers like students with honesty, integrity and modesty."

    Make what you can do and what you have learned to do clear.

    For example, you can state it in a cover letter that you want to improve your professional ability in their company and that sort of statement will be welcomed.

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