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----  CALL FOR SPONSORSHIP:ICSOC 2012第十届面向服务计算国际大会  (http://bbs.xml.org.cn/dispbbs.asp?boardid=10&rootid=&id=124037)

--  作者:travelhub
--  发布时间:5/6/2012 11:35:00 AM

--  CALL FOR SPONSORSHIP:ICSOC 2012第十届面向服务计算国际大会
ICSOC 2012: 10th International Conference on Service Oriented Computing
November 12-16, Shanghai, China
Dear [Company],
Over the last decade, the International Conference on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC), sponsored by Scientific Academy for Service Technology, ServTech) , has been well-accepted as the prime forum for service-oriented society to exchange innovations and share groundbreaking works.
We're proud that the 10th ICSOC conference (ICSOC 2012) has got approvals from both Scientific Academy for Service Technology and Ministry of Education of China, and will be held in Shanghai during November 12 - 16 of 2012. This is the first time for ICSOC to be hosted in China.
ICSOC 2012 will bring together scientists, engineers, and practitioners from multiple disciplines to focus on service-oriented and cloud-based innovative for the 21st century enterprises.
This mail is to call for your company's participation as a sponsorship partner with ServTech and Fudan University, to make ICSOC 2012 a great success.
There are several sponsorship options to be chosen: Platinum ($7500+), Gold ($5000+), Silver ($3000+), and Bronze ($1500+) with different benefits to your company (details). You can choose to sponsor the reception on Monday evening 12 November, and/or the Gala Dinner on Wednesday evening November 14, 2012, or other events such as PhD Symposium.
For more details, please contact and discuss with the conference chair at: http://www.icsoc.org.
We would appreciate of your attention and smart response.

Best Regards,
General Chair:
Liang ZHANG (Fudan Univ., China), lzhang@fudan.edu.cn
Jian YANG (Macquarie Univ., Australia), jian.yang@mq.edu.au
Sponsorship Chair:
  Yinsheng LI (Fudan Univ., China), liys@fudan.edu.cn
  Shiyong ZHANG (Fudan Univ., China), szhang@fudan.edu.cn

ICSOC 2012: 第十届面向服务计算国际大会
ICSOC 2012是该大会在中国的首次举办,国内外众多知名专家参与,已经确认的国内专家有:Junliang Chen(,Beijing Post and Communication University)、Jifeng He(Eastern China Normal University)、Jian Lv(Nanjing University)、Baile Shi(Fudan University)、Zhaohui Wu(Zhejiang University)。
国际专家有:Boualem Benatallah(UNSW, Australia)、Fabio Casati(University of Trento, Italy)Paco Curbera(IBM Research, USA)、Asit Dan(IBM Research, USA)、Bernd Krämer(FernUniversität in Hagen, Germany)、Winfried Lamersdorf(University of Hamburg, Germany)、Mike Papazoglou(Tilburg University, The Netherlands)、Paolo Traverso(ITC-IRST, Italy)。
我们热忱邀请您作为赞助商,与复旦大学和Scientific Academy for Service Technology 一起,支持本次大会的成功。作为回报,大会将提供一定名额的免费注册、会议出版物、大会现场或网站材料的LOGO展示。
详情请访问大会网站,也欢迎您直接接洽大会组委会相关负责人:Liang Zhang (lzhang@fudan.edu.cn)或Yinsheng Li(liys@fudan.edu.cn)。
ICSOC 2012 组委会(http://www.icsoc.org)

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