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--  『 Semantic Web(语义Web)/描述逻辑/本体 』  (http://bbs.xml.org.cn/list.asp?boardid=2)
----  Trip report on ICDE 2009  (http://bbs.xml.org.cn/dispbbs.asp?boardid=2&rootid=&id=75045)

--  作者:whfcarter
--  发布时间:5/24/2009 11:41:00 PM

--  Trip report on ICDE 2009
Hi, all

I attended the 25th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE
2009) held in Shanghai from March 29 to April 2. It was almost 2
months ago. I finally find time to write down the trip report and
share with you. During the conference, I presented our paper "Top-k
Exploration of Query Candidates for Efficient Keyword Search on Graph-
Shaped (RDF) Data". I think it is well-organized and there are several
interesting topics. Some important messages have been conveyed in

1. ICDE is becoming more and more like WWW. This is the first time for
social networking and Web as seperate research sessions in ICDE.

2. User Interface is becoming a new trend in the database community.
They have realized the importance of usability. In particular, during
the opening, the general chair emphasized that there are 2 regular
papers accepted by ICDE 2009 focusing on user interface while there is
one short paper.

3. Semantic Web and RDF data management are still not the mainstream
in the DB conference. Besides ours, there is another two work
belonging to the SW scope (i.e. MPI's work on steiner tree
approximation over relationship graph (Yago in the experiment) and
XOntoRank: Ontology-aware keyword search on electronic medical

4. Large scale graph search and mining is still a hot topic.

5. Keyword search will keep popular in the next 3 years.

6. XML is no longer so popular compared with when it was proposed.

7. Each regular paper is required to prepare for a poster during the
poster session. Yesterday the organizer has collected the feedback of
attendees and announced it warmly welcomed. I also think it is quite
useful if you cannot listen to the presentation or you still want to
learn more about the work.

8. Cloud computing is everywhere. It seems that everyone is talking
about cloud computing.

9. There is a trend that DB will be integrated more tightly with
operating system and low-level network protocol. As the emergence of
multi-core, GPU and cloud computing, DB guys and researchers from
other areas about systems realized that there is plenty of room for
them to build the next generation DB system.

10. As for our paper, a lot of people are interested in it. During the
presentation, the room was full of audiences while I was busy with
explaining our work all the time during the poster session.

--  作者:Humphrey
--  发布时间:5/25/2009 8:33:00 AM

whfcarter同志的报告(trip report 应该是访问报告吧?),关注学习中。
大规模图搜索(large scale graph search)是什么意思,到底是把什么看作图呢?
--  作者:beyondlei
--  发布时间:5/25/2009 8:53:00 AM

RDF data 和 relational data 都可以看成图
--  作者:beyondlei
--  发布时间:5/25/2009 9:00:00 AM

我感觉搞semantic web, 特别是注重web这块的真是有很多东西可以和数据库的研究相互借鉴。希望越来越多semantic web的文章可以发到ICDE,VLDB,SIGMOD这些数据库牛会上。
--  作者:richardjya
--  发布时间:5/25/2009 9:24:00 AM

--  关键字搜索势必被淘汰
--  作者:Humphrey
--  发布时间:5/25/2009 9:43:00 AM

--  作者:richardjya
--  发布时间:5/25/2009 10:07:00 AM

--  作者:whfcarter
--  发布时间:5/25/2009 7:09:00 PM

我同意Humphrey的说法,当然人们不是为了关键字而关键字的,如果有如richardjya所说的那样,有用户友好的界面可以让用户精确地表达复杂的信息需求。从目前看来,faceted search是最接近这个目的的,不过如果不是与领域相关的垂直搜索引擎,用户仍然需要通过如关键字查询接口来表达他的初始的模糊的信息需求。Humphrey有一点说得很对,两个搜索引擎放在用户面前,如果其中一个的效果没有比另一个好很多,那么用户通常用选择容易使用的,也就是说用户总是在易用性面前妥协。

p.s. 对于large scale graph search正如beyondlei说的,RDF data和relational data都可以建模成为graph,之后就是一个graph上mining或search的问题。当然这里最困难的是图算法一般都比较复杂,而我们所要面对的图又比较大,因此就有很大研究关注大规模图上的高效搜索和挖掘算法。

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