
-  W3CHINA.ORG讨论区 - 语义网·描述逻辑·本体·RDF·OWL  (http://bbs.xml.org.cn/index.asp)
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----  [B][BLUE]Google购买语义网公司Metaweb,迈向语义网技术领域重要一步[/BLUE][/B]  (http://bbs.xml.org.cn/dispbbs.asp?boardid=2&rootid=&id=85780)

--  作者:Huang
--  发布时间:7/18/2010 4:33:00 PM

--  [B][BLUE]Google购买语义网公司Metaweb,迈向语义网技术领域重要一步[/BLUE][/B]


Google Makes Major Semantic Web Play, Acquires Freebase Operators Metaweb

By CHRIS CAMERON of ReadWriteWeb
Published: July 16, 2010

The Semantic Web is all about structuring data so that humans and computers can more easily interpret the Web and discover relevant data for a wide variety of purposes. Google, a company built on the ability to advertise based on contextual data, announced today a major acquisition in the Semantic Web space. As of today, Metaweb, maker of Freebase and a leader in the Semantic Web, has joined forces with Google.

Freebase is a massive open-structured database of information about almost anything, including books, movies and music. In fact, Google already has a relationship with Freebase, pulling in its information to provide intelligent search results within Google News. With the acquisition of Metaweb, Google can now leverage the company's tools and data even further, especially within basic Web search results.

"This is a huge win for the Semantic Web," Alex Iskold, founder and CEO of AdaptiveBlue, the semantic technology company behind GetGlue.com (and occasional ReadWriteWeb contributor), told us. "It could not be bigger, because really, we had the biggest company on the Web buy the biggest player in the Semantic Web space."

Google already provides some smart search results, including basic math, sports scores and birthdays of public figures, to name a few. For the most part, however, Google merely serves up links to Web pages; knowing more about what is behind those links could allow the search giant to provide better, more contextual results. To get a better idea of how that could happen, have a look at the video below.

Microsoft made a similar purchase when it acquired Powerset two years ago. Since then, Bing has bested Google in terms of providing smart search results, and has been nibbling at its market share for search. In an effort to keep Bing from eating its semantic lunch, Google is taking Metaweb's technology and data under its wing.

"What about [colleges on the West Coast with tuition under $30,000] or [actors over 40 who have won at least one Oscar]? These are hard questions, and we've acquired Metaweb because we believe working together we'll be able to provide better answers," writes Jack Menzel, Google's director of product management.

Metaweb says that Freebase will remain free and open as always, and will be improved upon due to the Google acquisition. The service's quarterly downloadable data dumps will now be served up weekly, and the company hopes the acquisition will encourage more companies to contribute to Freebase.

[此贴子已经被作者于2010-7-19 18:47:50编辑过]

--  作者:laotao
--  发布时间:7/19/2010 9:44:00 AM

great news!
--  作者:admin
--  发布时间:7/19/2010 9:53:00 AM

去年三月,谷歌三位重量级搜索技术专家Alon Halevy、Peter Norvig和Fernando Pereira曾共同撰文《The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Data》(发表于IEEE Intelligent System)低估语义技术的功效,引来一阵拍砖。



--  作者:admin
--  发布时间:7/19/2010 10:07:00 AM




  Metaweb是从事语义网(Semantic Web)技术开发的风险企业,目标是开发用于Web的语义数据存储的基础结构,是曾就职于原美国网景(Netscape)、英特尔以及AlexaInternet等公司的人才聚集在一起,于2005年7月成立,总部设在美国旧金山。Metaweb分别在06年3月和08年1月分别获得1500万美元和4250万美元的融资。
  08年7月,Freebase 宣布其文章总数即将超过400万篇,比英文维基百科的 240万篇超过60%,接近全语种(250种语言)维基百科1000万篇的一半。
  很多 Web2.0 公司使用 Freebase 的数据库,对某个领域的知识进行归纳,获得有价值的资料,如:
  * Taught or Not – 一个非常可爱的小游戏,用来测试你对历史上那些思想家之间的相互影响关系的了解。
  * Shot or Not – 另一个有趣的游戏,测试你对有些历史著名人物死因的了解。
  * Random Walk Through Influences – 一个小程序,输入某个艺术家的名字,你就可以知道他受哪个流派影响。
  * Pull Quotes – 如果你对政治感兴趣,这个网站值得一看。
  * Powerset – 也使用 Freebase 作知识来源。
  如果这一天真的来临,Metaweb所钟爱的Freebase被称为“The Stem Of A Global Brain”也算得上实至名归了!

--  作者:Humphrey
--  发布时间:7/19/2010 10:10:00 AM

--  作者:micky
--  发布时间:7/19/2010 2:44:00 PM

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