
-  W3CHINA.ORG讨论区 - 语义网·描述逻辑·本体·RDF·OWL  (http://bbs.xml.org.cn/index.asp)
--  『 Semantic Web(语义Web)/描述逻辑/本体 』  (http://bbs.xml.org.cn/list.asp?boardid=2)
----  2011 澳大利亚Griffith大学 本体方向 博士后职位(王克文教授团队)  (http://bbs.xml.org.cn/dispbbs.asp?boardid=2&rootid=&id=89494)

--  作者:admin
--  发布时间:3/1/2011 1:50:00 PM

--  2011 澳大利亚Griffith大学 本体方向 博士后职位(王克文教授团队)
Postdoctoral Research Fellow (Knowledge Representation and Ontologies)

Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia

School/Unit: Institute for Integrated and Intelligent Systems (IIIS)

Faculty/Division: Science, Environment, Engineering and Technology (SEET)

Salary (Research Fellow): AUD $59,549 - $70,048 per annum. Salary
package including 17% employer superannuation contribution: AUD
$71,096 - $83,631 pa

Appointment: This is a fixed term (up to 3 years), full time position
based at the Nathan Campus, Brisbane

Closing Date: 10 April 2011 or until position filled

Position Description:
The Research Program “Artificial Intelligence and Semantic
Technologies” of the Institute for Integrated and Intelligent Systems
(IIIS) seeks a person with strong skills in logic based AI to play a
key research role in the areas of knowledge representation (KR) and
its applications in ontologies. The successful applicant will work in
the research group of Associate Professor Kewen Wang and will have
chance to collaborate with some leading researchers in KR. The
position is full time for a duration of up to 3 years, with the
possibility of an extension of more years. The university research
centre IIIS has a strong research team in KR and AI, and a track
record of publishing in the leading international journals and
conferences in AI. The successful candidate will work in a research
project funded by the ARC (Australian Research Council). The project
aims to research on some major KR formalisms (nonmonotonic logics,
logic programs and description logics) and their applications in

Principal Accountabilities:
The appointee will contribute ideas within the research program,
undertake theoretic research and system implementation, assist in
supervising PhD students, write manuscripts for publication in
scientific journals and conferences, and contribute to the overall
coordination of the project.

Essential Criteria:
The candidate must have a PhD in a relevant area of Computer Science
or Mathematics (e.g. logic programming, nonmonotonic reasoning,
description logics, logic based ontology languages). The ability to
work both independently and as part of a team is also required.

Application Procedure:
Interested applicants are encouraged to send a copy of their recent CV
to Associate Professor Kewen Wang: k.wang@griffith.edu.au (如果你是w3china注册用户,信中可注明)

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