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--  作者:菜籽
--  发布时间:11/12/2008 6:27:00 PM

--  NetBeans News

Issue # 367 - Nov 10, 2008
Project News
[B][URL=http://www.netbeans.info/newsletter/story.php?id=2893]NetBeans 6.5 Gets High Marks from the Community![/URL][/B]

按此在新窗口浏览图片 The NetBeans community says NetBeans 6.5 is ready for FCS! 92% of respondents to our NetCAT survey approved the project, while a few recommended that some more issues be fixed. (Fixes will addressed in Patch1.) Thank you to all participants of the survey, and to the NetCAT 6.5 team for their tremendous help during 6.5's stabilization phase!

[B][URL=http://www.netbeans.info/newsletter/story.php?id=2891]NetBeans Available for Download via Mirror Servers Worldwide![/URL][/B]

Say hello to faster downloads of NetBeans! Thanks to a network of mirror servers around the world (the US, Brazil, the UK, the Netherlands, Taiwan, and Japan) users can now get quicker NetBeans downloads from high-speed sites that are geographically closer by. We are still looking for more mirrors, especially in Australia, China, India, and Russia. If you own or admin a high-bandwidth site and would be willing to host the NetBeans bits for download, please [URL=http://www.netbeans.org/about/contact_form.html?to=1]contact us[/URL] to discuss details.
[B][URL=http://www.netbeans.info/newsletter/story.php?id=2895]NetBeans Demo Camp in Munich - November 18[/URL][/B]

按此在新窗口浏览图片 To celebrate the release of NetBeans 6.5 and the NetBeans project's 10th birthday, the NetBeans User Group Munich (NUGM) is holding its first Munich "NetBeans Demo Camp". The camp will focus on NetBeans as a Rich Client Platform and include cool demos. Registration is free.

[B][URL=http://www.netbeans.info/newsletter/story.php?id=2892]Test Your Java Knowledge and Win One of 100 Books![/URL][/B]

Take the SDN Quiz to see how much you know about Java. Join or log in to the Sun Developer Network (SDN) and answer the quiz questions correctly for a chance to win a copy of "Hello World(s)—From Code to Culture: A 10-Year Celebration of Java Technology".
[B][URL=http://www.netbeans.info/newsletter/story.php?id=2897]Essential MySQL Cheat Sheet (Dzone)[/URL][/B]

按此在新窗口浏览图片 Trying out MySQL in NetBeans IDE? Check out the new reference card from DZone that provides many tips and tricks for MySQL.

[B][URL=http://www.netbeans.info/newsletter/story.php?id=2898]Top 10 NetBeans APIs (Part 2 & 3)[/URL][/B]

按此在新窗口浏览图片 Part two and [URL=http://netbeans.tv/screencasts/Top-10-NetBeans-APIs-%28Part-3%29-413/]three[/URL] of a screencast series about the NetBeans Platform APIs. In part two, learn how the LookUp API is similar and different to the JDK 6 ServiceLoader class, and see the Window System API in action in part three.

[B][URL=http://www.netbeans.info/newsletter/story.php?id=2896]Create & Import a JavaBean Component in NetBeans IDE (Part 1)[/URL][/B]

Get a simple introduction to creating and using JavaBean components in the NetBeans IDE.
[B][URL=http://www.netbeans.info/newsletter/story.php?id=2899]Tech Tip: Resolve References to Compile JNLP Projects with NetBeans 6.x[/URL][/B]

This community tech tip from Mike Lockhart gives the steps for resolving reference problems when compiling JNLP projects in the NetBeans IDE.
[B][URL=http://www.netbeans.info/newsletter/story.php?id=2894]Develop/Run/Debug Rails Application Using NetBeans IDE & GlassFish v3 Prelude[/URL][/B]

GlassFish v3 Prelude is now available. Arun Gupta's screencast shows how to develop/run/debug Rails application using NetBeans IDE and GlassFish v3 Prelude.
[B][URL=http://www.netbeans.info/newsletter/story.php?id=2900]Scripting NetBeans in Ruby[/URL][/B]

Is it possible to write NetBeans Ruby IDE extensions in Ruby? Martin Krauskopf's documents his findings in this blog entry.

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