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--  作者:菜籽
--  发布时间:12/16/2008 9:29:00 AM

--  [nbweekly] NetBeans News
Project News
[B][URL=http://www.netbeans.info/newsletter/story.php?id=3051]NetBeans IDE 6.5 in Traditional Chinese Now Available![/URL][/B]

按此在新窗口浏览图片 The [URL=http://translatedfiles.netbeans.org/]NetBeans Translation Project[/URL] is proud to announce NetBeans IDE 6.5 in Traditional Chinese! The release joins Japanese, Simplified Chinese, Brazilian Portuguese and other community languages in the list of multilingual versions of NetBeans 6.5; it includes localization for the NetBeans Platform, Java, Web and JavaEE UI modules.

This localization was a joint effort by Sun Taiwan Training Center, the Sun Globalization team and members of the NetBeans Taiwanese Community. [URL=http://www.netbeans.org/servlets/NewsItemView?newsItemID=1323]Learn more[/URL] about the release.

[B][URL=http://www.netbeans.info/newsletter/story.php?id=3054]New Version of NetBeans DTrace GUI Plugin Available[/URL][/B]

The new version (0.5) of the DTrace GUI is now available for download from the NetBeans 6.5 Update Center. The new DTrace GUI has more than 30 new Chime displays that can be used to visualize the output of DTrace. You can use the new Chime displays to tune and debug applications that are written in PHP, Ruby, Python, Javascripts, Java, C, and C++ languages on OpenSolaris. Essentially, the DTrace GUI can be used to optimize the whole software/web stack on OpenSolaris.
[B][URL=http://www.netbeans.info/newsletter/story.php?id=3055]Patch1 for NetBeans IDE 6.5 Now Available[/URL][/B]

NetBeans.org has released a new patch, which is an update to the NetBeans IDE 6.5. The patch includes bug fixes in modules for Auto Update Services, Ant, BlueJ Project Support, C/C++, Database, GUI Builder, GlassFish v3 Prelude, GlassFish v3 Prelude - JRuby, IDE Platform, Java, Java EE, Web Applications, Java Profiler, NetBeans 6.5, PHP, Platform, RESTful Web Services, Ruby and Rails, SaaS Services Support and UML. The patch is available in English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese and Brazilian Portuguese languages.

To obtain the fixes, the NetBeans IDE must be installed and running. You can download the fixes through the IDE's Plugins Manager.
[B][URL=http://www.netbeans.info/newsletter/story.php?id=3052]Now in Bookstores! NetBeans Ruby and Rails IDE with JRuby[/URL][/B]

NetBeans Ruby and Rails IDE with JRuby is for Ruby and Rails programmers who want to take advantage of the NetBeans IDE to facilitate their web application development. Authors [URL=http://blogs.sun.com/divas/]Chris Kutler[/URL], a NetBeans Tutorial Diva, and [URL=http://weblogs.java.net/blog/bleonard/]Brian Leonard[/URL], a Sun technology evangelist, both bring in-depth experience of the Ruby language and community to this must-read book for those interested in using the NetBeans IDE to develop Ruby and Ruby on Rails projects.
[B][URL=http://www.netbeans.info/newsletter/story.php?id=3056]Screencast: JavaFX MediaPlayer[/URL][/B]

按此在新窗口浏览图片 Learn how to use NetBeans IDE 6.5 to create a media player in JavaFX.

[B][URL=http://www.netbeans.info/newsletter/story.php?id=3053]Webinar: MySQL Embedded Server 5.1 for Commercial ISVs/OEMs[/URL][/B]

NetBeans support for MySQL, the popular open-source database management system, allows developers to explore, start, stop and launch administration tools for a MySQL server. In this webinar, learn about the new features in the recently released [URL=http://www.mysql.com/oem/]MySQL Embedded Server 5.1[/URL] and how to utilize them to improve your application.
[B][URL=http://www.netbeans.info/newsletter/story.php?id=3057]Getting Started With Python in the NetBeans IDE 6.5[/URL][/B]

This tutorial shows Python developers how to work with Python in the NetBeans IDE. It covers setting up which Python runtime to use, creating a new project, editing files, and running programs. Use the NetBeans Python Editor for code completion, instant rename, quick fixes, catching unresolved or unused names, and import management. NetBeans also supports an interactive console and a debugger for Python.
[B][URL=http://www.netbeans.info/newsletter/story.php?id=3058]Using Strings and Stacks: Two Ruby Tech Tips[/URL][/B]

Two Ruby tech tips contributed by NetBeans community member John Muchow: "[URL=http://wiki.netbeans.org/StringFileRuby]Using a String as a File in Ruby[/URL]" and "[URL=http://wiki.netbeans.org/StackRuby]Using a Stack with Ruby[/URL]". Got other tech tips to share? Submit to the [URL=http://wiki.netbeans.org/CommunityDocs]NetBeans Community Docs[/URL] database.
[B][URL=http://www.netbeans.info/newsletter/story.php?id=3059]Two Blogs: Groovy and Grails Support in NetBeans IDE[/URL][/B]

It's another two-fer in this week's newsletter: Herbert Ikkink's blog entry offers a quick example of NetBeans' Groovy and Grails support in action, while [URL=http://cld.blog-city.com/new_tutorials__grails_ide__groovy_tutorial_and_screencast.htm]Charles Ditzel's blog post[/URL] lists resources to help get a start with Groovy and Grails development in the NetBeans IDE.
[B][URL=http://www.netbeans.info/newsletter/story.php?id=3060]How NetBeans Saved the Day @ Devoxx 2008![/URL][/B]

A PHP presentation at Devoxx was in jeopardy when the presenter's software and laptop stopped responding. Luckily, NetBeans Dream Team member Toni Epple was in the audience.... Read on for how Toni and the NetBeans IDE came to the rescue.

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