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----  Topic: Three days to "say"  (http://bbs.xml.org.cn/dispbbs.asp?boardid=39&rootid=&id=16198)

--  作者:Logician
--  发布时间:3/29/2005 3:39:00 PM

--  Topic: Three days to "say"
Suppose that you only have 3 days left for you to speak/write. After that, you'll be unable to communicate with others. What will you do in these 3 days, what and to whom you will say? And what will you do after that?
--  作者:hjx_221
--  发布时间:3/30/2005 11:32:00 AM

Suppose that I only have 3 days left for me to speak/write. After that, I'll be unable to communicate with others. I can speak with my body!!
--  作者:Logician
--  发布时间:3/30/2005 4:58:00 PM

So what will you do during these 3 days..............
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