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----  To Grumble 发牢骚  (http://bbs.xml.org.cn/dispbbs.asp?boardid=39&rootid=&id=41890)

--  作者:hjx_221
--  发布时间:1/2/2007 2:48:00 PM

--  To Grumble 发牢骚
To Grumble 发牢骚

1. you are never here when I need you. 每当我需要你的时候,总是找不到人。

2. To you I'm a workhorse, a punching bag! 对你来说我只是一匹马和一个出气筒!(workhorse = someone who incessantly; punching bag = 恼怒时,可供泄愤者someone whom you can hit or push around when you're angry.)

3. you treat me like dirt. 你视我如粪土。

4. this is horrible.恶劣透顶。

5. I hate this. 我讨厌这种事。

6. this is shit.

7. he sucks. 恶劣透顶.

8. she's always gripping about something. 她老是咕哝个不停。(gripping = murmuring)

9. she's a whiner. 她好发牢骚。(whine = 呻吟,抱怨。 She's a grumbler. 她是个发牢骚的人。)

10. she bitches about everything. 她的贫嘴没饶过哪样东西。(bitches = 嘴不饶人)

11. he's always crying the blues. 他老是抱怨一大堆,想获得别人的同情。(crying the blue = singing the blues; expressing self pity; complaining to get sympathy)

12. Oh stop gripping! 哎呀,别再抱怨了行不行!

13. There you go again! 你又来这套了。 (不满某人故伎重演playing the same old scheme. 如先礼后兵compliments followed by mockeries)

14. Don't be such a crybaby. 别老像个爱哭的婴儿。(always complaining and crying like baby.)

15. Quit whining! 不要再发牢骚!

16. Stop your bickering. 停止为鸡毛蒜皮的事吵架。(bickering = 为琐事引起深度口角intense verbal fighting over trivial things)

17. Stop giving me grief. 少给我头痛。

18. Now what's your problem? 你又再啰嗦什么?(又有什么不对劲。)

19. I'm going to make a big fuss. 我要好好地告一状。(make a big fuss = 小题大做make too much of something by complaining)

20. why didn't you just say so in the first place? 你何不早说?(in the first place = from thebegining; 抱怨某人事后才提及mentioned it only after the fact, 而事态无可挽救made things irreparable.)


1. Darn it! That's not fair! 该死!这不公平!(抱怨不按规定来,玩花样骗人。 Play by the rules. Don't cheat.)

2. you call this justice? 这算哪门子的公平?

3. Be fair! 公平点儿!

4. A: That's unfair!

B: You tell me what's fair?

5. you'll have to take your claim to headquarters.你有什么抱怨,到总局去说好了。(take your claim = make your complain)

6. My money is just as good as anyone else's! 我的钱跟别人的没两样!(I've been discriminated against in a service.)

7. Treat me like a human being. 把我当人看待行不行?(虐待ill-treat. Don't treat me like a dog.)

8. why am I being treated like dirt here? 为何我在这里被视为粪土呢?(为何我在这里被糟蹋?)

9. Is my skin in the wrong color? 我的皮肤颜色不对吗?

10. we've all been silent too long. 我们已忍气吞声太久了。(silent = uncommunicative. We should've spoken up sooner. 我们应该高声抗争。)

11. It's time someone spoken up. 这是打破沉默的时刻了。

12. I resent that. 我谴责这种事。(我感到被冒犯I'm offended, insulted. 我鄙视你的作为。I despise what you did.)

13. I object to that. 我既反对又鄙视那种事。(object = against + disdain)

14. you can't walk all over me. 别以为你可以随便欺负人。(walk all over me = treat me like a floor mat(把我当地毯)。 Demean 贬低身份, take advantage of me 侵悔 you can't = Don't think you can )

15. Don't insult me! 不要悔辱我。

16. they are up in arms about it. 他们对这种事群情激昂。(up in arms = 举手抗议,动怒fuming, complaining; resisting; challenging)

17. I'd like to dispute my bill this month. 我对本月份的帐单有异议。(dispute = contest)

18. the squeaky wheel gets the grease. 会抱怨的人,先得好处。(squeaky wheel gets the grease = 吱吱叫的轮子会先被点上油。)

19. If you don't ask, you don't get. 如果你不出声要求,什么也得不到。

***Fight For Equality 争平等权利***

1. you can't deprive me of my right.

2. Don't try to rob me of my rights. 别想抢夺我应有的权利。(rob me of my rights = deprive me of what's due me)

3. I'm entitle to know.

4. we should lend her an ear. 我们应洗耳恭听她的话。

5. this interest of the child is at stake. 这孩子的福利面临危机。(at stake = at risk; in jeopardy )

6. what I ask for is equal treatment. 我所要求的是同等待遇。(equal treatment = fair treatment. There's no equality around here. 这里的待遇不公平。)

7. I'm a citizen and a taxpayer. I have rights! 我是公民也是纳税人,我有发定的权利。

8. Stand up for your rights. 要为你个人的权益力争到底。(speak your mind 说出你的心声;demand your rights 要求你应有的权利。)

9. If you want to be seen, stand up. If you want to be heard, speak up. 如果要别人看见你,就得站起来。 如果要人家听见你,必须大声发言。(If you want to be respected, shut up! )

10. stand up and be counted. 勇敢地站起来不要被人看扁。(be counted = 被视同平等的一份子。)

11. one man can make a difference. 一个人也能造成大气候。("甘地" 单靠一己之力,而扭转乾坤。Gandhi turned the table through his personal influence.)

12. Every vote counts. 每一张选票都至关重要。

13. Give me liberty or give me death. 不自由毋宁死。

14. I've earned that right. 我已争取到那项权利。

15. Too much freedom is a bad thing. 过分的自由引发灾难。(everyone has the right to free speech, but speech made unwisely will lead to disater. Don't yell "fire" in a crowded movie theater.)

16. All men are not born equal. 人生而不平等。(intelligence, physique, living enviroment, social status, wealth, race etc.)

             ***Women's Rights & Abortion***

1. the abortion issue is controversial. 堕胎是引起争论的话题。(controversial = highly debatable )

2. it's touchy stuff. 这是个十分敏感的话题。(touchy = sensitive)

3. it's tricky business. 这是一件难缠的事。

4. women battled over their right to a legal abortion. 妇女为了争取她们合法堕胎的权利而奋战。(battled over = argued over, fought for)

107-Discrimination 歧视

1. Down with sexism! 打倒性别歧视!(down = defeat)

2. he's a gay-basher. 他是大肆攻击同性恋的人。(basher = 坦率的批评家outspoken critic)

3. he's a white supermacist. 他是白人至上主义者。

4. he's a bigot. 他是老顽固。

5. Ageism is a form of discrimination. 鄙视老人是一种歧视。(ageism = despising of old people)

6. that's a sweeping statement. 那是不分青红皂白的声明。(sweeping statement = an over-generalization)

7. you're being stereotypical. 你这样说,未免有失偏颇。(unfairly portraying a group of people to fit a popular preconception. 为了附和众人先入为主的观点,而不公平地描述某一群人。)

8. one rotten apple doesn't spoil the whole bunch. 一根竹竿打翻一船人。(一只烂苹果,并不代表整篓的苹果都坏了。Don't generalize. 不可以偏概全)

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