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----  好管闲事  (http://bbs.xml.org.cn/dispbbs.asp?boardid=39&rootid=&id=47054)

--  作者:hjx_221
--  发布时间:5/17/2007 9:57:00 PM

--  好管闲事
  经济新闻评政府税收有:Though it sounds negligible, the tax is a case of allowing the camel's nose into the tent之论,评政府拟加收一项税目,其数听来微不足道,但是“让骆驼鼻子伸进帐篷”的事例。

  To allow (the) camel's nose into the tent 或者 to get (the) camel's nose into the tent 是“为达到最终目的做安排布置”。

  政府拟定税目虽然非常低微,但它是为全面加税做的布署。这个骆驼鼻子,令人想到口语中常说的 to poke one's nose into something,指好管闲事。He is always poking his nose into other people's business。他总是好管他人的事,好管闲事者也。此语中之poke,又作stick,或者put, thrust以及shove。

  劝朋友不要去管不相干的事情:Do not stick your nose into things that do not concern you!简单的说法作:Keep your nose out of things that do not concern you。以keep one's nose out of something 表示不要牵涉某事之中。

  朋友对你过度关心,事事都要替你出主意,如果你感到烦,不妨说:I'll thank you to keep your nose out of my affairs。

--  作者:lxlysl
--  发布时间:5/31/2007 1:50:00 PM

hehe,better .
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