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----  Don’t Bring Your Job Home with You  (http://bbs.xml.org.cn/dispbbs.asp?boardid=39&rootid=&id=55230)

--  作者:hjx_221
--  发布时间:11/12/2007 3:31:00 PM

--  Don’t Bring Your Job Home with You
Don’t Bring Your Job Home with You

We spend more waking hours on the job than doing anything else. We are taught from a young age to value hard work and that it will be rewarded. We hear far less about the efforts required in our relationships When the workday is over, the work must recede out of your thoughts and time.  

James Keller designs home offices–spaces in existing rooms or entire rooms dedicated to working from home. He thinks the home office concept is a metaphor for the home office worker.

“The space I design has to serve two functions. It has to be a home part of the day and an office part of the day. When you think about it, that’s just what the person is, too–a family member part of the day and a worker part of the day.”

Keller’s concept of a home office is not a space that beckons you to the office at all hours of the day. “You have to turn off the office lights and shut the door and then see your house as a home come five o’clock. You might say, ‘I work in that room from nine to five. Come five o’clock, I’ll clean up, and it becomes a family room again.’”

Workaholics, people who never seem to stop working or thinking about work, are three times more likely to say that their personal life is unsatisfying.

--  作者:hjx_221
--  发布时间:11/12/2007 3:33:00 PM



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