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----  Gaea  看神话,学单词  (http://bbs.xml.org.cn/dispbbs.asp?boardid=39&rootid=&id=59535)

--  作者:hjx_221
--  发布时间:3/7/2008 6:21:00 AM

--  Gaea  看神话,学单词

   Gaea or Ge (mythology), in Greek mythology, the personification of Mother Earth, and the daughter of Chaos. She was the mother and wife of Father Heaven, who was personified as Uranus. They were the parents of the earliest living creatures: the Titans; the Cyclopes; and the Giants, or Hecatoncheires (Hundred-Handed Ones). Fearing and hating the Giants,
despite  the  fact  that they were his sons, Uranus imprisoned them in a secret  place  on earth, leaving the Cyclopes and Titans at large. Gaea, enraged at this favoritism,  persuaded  her son, the Titan Cronus, to overthrow his father. He emasculated Uranus, and from his blood Gaea brought forth the Giants and the three avenging goddesses the Erinyes.
   Her last and most terrifying offspring was Typhon, a 100-headed monster, who, although conquered by the god Zeus, was believed to spew forth the molten lava flows of Mount Etna.
   资料来源:Microsoft    Encarta   Reference  Library  2005.  c  1993-2004
   Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
   Gaea或者是Ge,从Gaea派生出来英语单词里面重要的几个词根,首先是geo-, geo 这个词根也就地母而来是关于地的词根,这个词根组成了太多关于地的单词,常见的有:
   1、geography - science of the earth and it's life
   地理学, 研究地球的科学
   构词:geo+graphy 而graph 这个词根(in the sense of a diagram of relationship)是通过图表的形式研究关系的学问
   2、geology  -  study of the origin, history , structure of the earth, or of
   the solid matter of a celestial body
   构词:geo+log     log是逻辑的词根(logic   study  of  the  principle  of
   3、geocentric - with the earth as the center of the universe.
   构词: geo+centric  centric是中心的词根
   4、geodesy - study the size and shape of  the earth.
   构词:geo+des de=divide, de也就是divide,是分割的词根,将地面分割开来进行测量。
   geodetic  adj 侧地学的
   5、Geomancy   divination by means of lines or figures
   geo+mancy  mancy 就是prophetic,预言的意思
   所以mantic 是预言的  意思
   But  ostentation  isn't  everything,  as  Mr. Joseph Ip will tell you. A
   dapper,  balding  man,  Mr.  Ip is one of Vancouver's leading masters of
   feng  shui, the ancient Chinese art—he would say science—of geomancy, on
   which  building  designs  must be predicated if they are to attract Hong
   Kong buyers.
   来自:Microsoft   Encarta   Reference Library 2005.  1993-2004 Microsoft
   Corporation. All rights reserved.
   6、-mancy  是预测的后缀,那么这个词根跟很多词根组成关于预测的词,那就不奇怪了,比如:
   Chiromancy=palmistry  fortunetelling from hands, 就是手相术
   Chiro是手的词根, 加上预测的词根mancy, 词义就一目了然了
   Necro 是"死"的词根
   那necromancy 就是通过和幽灵对话预测未知的事情,那就是巫术了,所以
   Necromancer  那就是巫师的意思
   Necromantic  就是"降妖术的"
   Pyro是火的词根,来自于希腊词 pur
   9、Geometry   geo+metry  metron  =  measure,  meter 度量衡米的意思,作为后缀,就是测量的意思, 几何学 当年的几何学最先用在测量土地上,毫无疑问
   Geometric series 几何级数, 1,4,16,64,这就是个几何级数
   Geophysical  science of Earth's physical processes, 地球物理学
   Geopolitical Geo+political  地缘政治学
   Geoponics 农业学
   Georgic adj  农业的,n 田园诗
   Geostrategic geo+stratege  地缘政治学
   Geostrophic adj caused by earth's rotation, 因为地球转动而引起的现象
   构词 geo+ strophe   rophe 转动的意思,来自于古希腊戏剧中的一个转动动作的名字

   10、Geomorphic 地球形状的
   -morhp  后缀 morpho-前缀,都是表示是什么形状的意思,来源于希腊单词形状:
   所以,morphology 就是形态学的意思
   那,geomorphology   拆开来就是:geo+morpho+logy 分别是地、形状、学问,合起来就是地形学的意思,看,完全是搭积木的方式构造英语单词么
   11、apogee  point in orbit farthest from earth
   apo- 是远离的词根 gee是地球的词根 那apogee就是远地点的意思,引申意思还有
   "The  golden  age  of  American  sail, which began with the fast clipper
   ships  in  1848,  reached its apogee in the Gold Rush years"(Los Angeles
   Times) "美国航海的黄金时代,开始于1848年的快速帆船航行,在淘金热的年代里达到了顶峰"(洛杉矶时报)
   12、Perigee 近地点
   Peri- 是希腊语"靠近"的词根
   那近月点是哪个单词?  是 pericynthion, 那月亮不是moon么,是的,因为希腊神话里Diana也就是月亮女神出生在一个叫过cynthus山的地方,所以这个山就和月亮有关系了,月亮的词根还有一个,常见一些,那就是lune,所以近月点,另外一个词是 perilune。
   13、geochronology  studying of the ages of geologic phenomena
   Geo+chro+logy 分别是"地""年代""学问"的词根,那么合起来就是"地球年代学"的意思现在补充一下,基本上很多的词,都有3种基本的词性,分别是:名词,形容词,和"人"格
   基本上就是在原词的后面加后缀,分别是:-ical, -tion(y), -er(ist)
   Geochronological  adj 地球年代学的
   Geochronology    n  地球年代学
   Geochronologist   n  地球年代学家

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