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-- 作者:hjx_221 -- 发布时间:9/28/2008 1:15:00 PM -- Cover letter经验并奉上模板 Cover letter经验并奉上模板 1。Coer letter的重要性 2.写Coer letter关键 写Coer letter的要旨是要显示你的学术背景和研究方向与其相同或类似,隐含着一到实验室就可以很快上手。因为老板是要你去干活而不是花钱让你来学习的。未来老板发出广告后,一般会收到众多的求职信。他可能仅花几秒钟的时间浏览你的简历(C),Coer letter可告诉他你的技能,才能以及研究背景是否符合他的要求。 3.Coer letter的格式 右上角或信未为求职者的地址 4.正文的写法 4.2.第二段介绍你的学位和你的研究背景。 Thank you so much for considering my request. I will call you the week of October 10 to see about scheduling the job shadowing. If you need to reach me before that time, please feel free to contact me ia phone (XXXX-XXXX-2922) or ia email (XXXX@yahoo.com). I hae enclosed a resume as well as a brief sample of my writing for your reiew. I look forward to meeting with you to discuss further how I could contribute to your organization. The enclosed resume describes my qualifications for the position adertised. I would welcome the opportunity to personally discuss my qualifications with you at your conenience. I would appreciate the priilege of an interiew. I may be reached at the address gien aboe, or by telephone at XXXXXXXX.
-- 作者:hjx_221 -- 发布时间:9/28/2008 1:16:00 PM -- 5.Coer Letter模板 丁香园聚集大量即将毕业的生物学研究的同行求职人员,因为没有工作经历,所以应把重点放在学业上。下面为一以学历为主的简历模本。 Mr. Archie XXXX Dear Mr. XXXXX, John Oakley 7 Apple Court Thanks a lot!!! Thank you ery much Coer Letters by Introduction Each of your coer letters should bear the name and address of the company to which you are applying and should address by name the specific indiidual who will process your application. Each letter should also make specific references to the company and indicate your knowledge of and interest in the work the company is currently doing. In addition to tailoring your application to a specific job, the coer letter also allows you to highlight the most important and releant accomplishments, skills, and experience listed in your resume. And it is where (if appropriate) you specifically request an interiew. Finally, remember that your coer letter is, in a ery real sense, a schematic of yourself. It reflects your personality, your attention to detail, your communication skills, your enthusiasm, and your intellect. Your coer letter and resume are usually all a prospectie employer has to decide whether or not you will reach the next phase in the application process--the interiew. Content of the Coer Letter The body of your letter should consist of one to three longer paragraphs in which you expand upon your qualifications for the position. Pick out the most releant qualifications listed in your resume and discuss them in detail, demonstrating how your background and experience qualify you for the job. Be as specific as possible, and refer the reader to your resume for additional details. In the concluding paragraph of your letter, you should request an interiew (or some other response, if appropriate). State where and when you can be reached, and express your willingness to come to an interiew or supply further information. Close by thanking your reader for his or her time and consideration. Format of the Coer Letter
-- 作者:hjx_221 -- 发布时间:9/28/2008 1:17:00 PM -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sample Coer Letter 1234 15th Street Troy, New York 12180 January 30, 1987 Mr. John M. Curtis Dear Mr. Curtis: As an experienced computer programmer who is presently pursuing a master's degree in electrical engineering at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, I am writing to request information about possible summer employment opportunities with HAL. I am interested in a position that will allow me to combine the talents I hae deeloped in both computer programming and electrical engineering. Howeer, as you can see from the attached resume, I hae extensie experience in many related fields, and I always enjoy new challenges. I feel that it is important for me to maintain a practical, real-world perspectie while deeloping my academic abilities. I am proud of the fact that I hae financed my entire education through scholarships and summer jobs related to my field of study. This work experience has enhanced my appreciation for the education I am pursuing. I find that I learn as much from my summer jobs as I do from my academic studies. For example, during the summer of 1986, while working for IBM in Boca Raton, Florida, I gained a great deal of practical experience in the field of electronic circuit logic and drier design. When I returned to school in the fall and took Computer Hardware Design, I found that my experience with IBM had thoroughly prepared me for the subject. Haing said all this, I realize that your first consideration in hiring an applicant must not be the potential educational experience HAL can proide, but the skills and serices the applicant has to offer. I hope the experience and education described in my resume suggest how I might be of serice to HAL. I welcome the opportunity to discuss with you how I might best assist HAL in fulfilling its present corporate needs. I will be aailable for employment from May 14 through August 31, 1987. Please let me know what summer employment opportunities are aailable at HAL for someone with my education, experience, and interests. You can reach me at the aboe address or by phone at (518) 271-0000. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely yours, Joan Doe -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- October 4, 1986 Mr. James Roberts Dear Mr. Roberts: Your adertisement for software engineers in the January issue of the IEEE Spectrum caught my attention. I was drawn to the ad by my strong interest in both software design and Database. I hae worked with a CALMA system in deeloping LSI circuits, and I also hae substantial experience in the design of interactie CAD software. Because of this experience, I can make a direct and immediate contribution to your department. I hae enclosed a copy of my resume, which details my qualifications and suggests how I might be of serice to Database. I would like ery much to meet with you to discuss your open positions for software engineers. If you wish to arrange an interiew, please contact me at the aboe address or by telephone at (518) 271-9999. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely yours, Joseph Smith Thanks a lot!!! |
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