-- 作者:hjx_221
-- 发布时间:1/25/2009 4:23:00 PM
-- help不简单的简单词
help不简单的简单词 1、帮助 I helped him to find his things.我帮他找东西 2、help onsefl to something, 为某人取食物 May I help you to some more meat?再给你来点肉好么? 3、擅自拿取 He's been helping himself to my stationery. 他未经许可一直用我的文具。 4、促进 drugs that help to take away pain.能止痛的药,如果我们翻译为'能帮助拿走痛的药'就太难听了 5、could not help doing sth, 不可避免的 It could not be helped. 这是不可避免的, Can I help it if people don't read the instruction?人家不看使用说明书,我有什么办法呢。Luke觉得这个翻译的更好。 忍不住的 He can't help having big ears.他总是忍不住要打听别人的事。看,咱们顺便学会了big ears这个成语,Luke学英语的经验,还是认为英语里面短语和成语最难,这也是我们经常抱怨的'一句话里面所有单词都认识,但这句话就是理解不了,怎么翻译都别扭的原因'。这好理解,其实,比如你想考一个老外他的汉语是不是很好,你就问他'叶公好龙'和'掩耳盗铃'是怎么来的,有怎么用就考出来了。呵呵,将来一个老外用He can't help having big ears.来考你,应该考不住你了。 I wouldn't live there , well, not if I could help it. 唉,如果我有其他选择话我才不愿意住在那里。 We can't help thinking he's still alive.我们总是认为他还活着。 6、God help sb 表示担忧 God help you, if the teacher finds out. 要是老师发现了,可够你受的。 7、help a lame dog over site祝某人度过难关,lame是瘸腿 8、so help me 我发誓,老天爷作证 I never stole the money, so help me. 钱绝不是偷得,我发誓! 9、help sb off/on with sth 帮某人脱(穿)衣服 Can I help you on with your coat?我帮你把大衣穿上吧 10、help sb out 帮助某人脱困 He's always willing to help us out when we are short of staff. 我们人手不足时,他总是急人所难。 11、helping n,一份,一客(饭菜) take a third helping, 吃第三份食物 She had two generous helping of pie. 她吃了两份分量很足的馅饼。 12、佣人 The help hasn't come this morning .仆人今早还没来。 13、防止某事物的方法 There's no help for it. 没法子了。这句话很口语化,很实用。 14、helpless,不能自立的,不要帮助的 a helpless baby,invalid,drunkard, 要人照顾的婴儿、伤残者、喝醉的人 be helpless with laughter , 笑得全身无力