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-- 作者:hjx_221 -- 发布时间:11/24/2009 7:02:00 PM -- What is Thanksgiving? What is Thanksgiving? The first Thanksgiving Days in New England were harvest festivals, or days for thanking God for plentiful crops. For this reason, the holiday still takes place late in the fall, after the crops have been gathered. For thousands of years, people in many parts of the world have held harvest festivals. The American Thanksgiving Day probably grew out of the harvest-home celebrations of England. In the United States, Thanksgiving is usually a family day, celebrated with big dinners and joyous reunions. The very mention of Thanksgiving often calls up memories of kitchens and pantries crowded with good things to eat. Thanksgiving is also a time for serious religious thinking, church services, and prayer. The first Thanksgiving observance in America was entirely religious and did not involve feasting. On Dec. 4, 1619, a group of 38 English settlers arrived at Berkeley Plantation, on the James River near what is now Charles City, Va. The group's charter required that the day of arrival be observed yearly as a day of thanksgiving to God. The first Thanksgiving in New England was celebrated in Plymouth less than a year after the Plymouth colonists had settled in America. The first dreadful winter in Massachusetts had killed about half the members of the colony. But new hope arose in the summer of 1621. The settlers expected a good corn harvest, despite poor crops of peas, wheat, and barley. Thus, in early autumn, governor William Bradford arranged a harvest festival to give thanks to God for the progress the colony had made. The festival lasted three days. The men of Plymouth had shot ducks, geese, and turkeys. The menu also included clams, eel and other fish, wild plums and leeks, corn bread, and watercress. The women of the settlement supervised cooking over outdoor fires. About 90 Indians also attended the festival. They brought five deer to add to the feast. Everyone ate outdoors at large tables and enjoyed games and a military review. Similar harvest Thanksgivings were held in Plymouth during the next several years, but no traditional date was set. How did we get the Thanksgiving Holiday? Hale, Sarah Josepha, pronounced joh SEE fuh (1788-1879), became one of the most famous magazine editors in the United States during the 1800's. As editor of the Ladies' Magazine and, later, of Godey's Lady's Book, she helped shape the taste and thought of thousands of women. She received credit for persuading President Abraham Lincoln to make Thanksgiving a national holiday. Of her many writings, her major surviving work is the children's poem, "Mary Had a Little Lamb." Sarah Hale was born in Newport, New Hampshire. |
-- 作者:hjx_221 -- 发布时间:11/24/2009 7:06:00 PM -- 感恩节是美国人的一个重要节日。每年11月的第四个星期四,美国家庭都要举行丰盛的感恩宴。最常见的传统食品有火鸡、南瓜馅饼和玉米面做的印第安布丁。一些美国人在这一天或举家出游,或探亲访友,尽情享受天伦之乐。感恩节期间,美国城乡都要举行化装游行、戏剧表演和射击、打靶等体育比赛。一些美国家庭、宗教组织及慈善机构还为穷人、孤儿及流浪者们提供免费的火鸡宴,让那些不幸的人们在感恩节里也得到一份人间的温暖。 感恩节起源于马萨诸塞普利茅斯的早期移民。这些移民在英国本土时被称为清教徒,因为他们对英国教会的宗教改革不彻底感到不满,以及英王及英国教会对他们的政治镇压和宗教迫害,所以这些清教徒脱离英国教会,远走荷兰,后来决定迁居到大西洋彼岸那片荒无人烟的土地上,希望能按照自己的意愿信教自由地生活。 1620年9月,“五月花号”轮船载着102名清教徒及其家属离开英国驶向北美大陆,经过两个多月的艰苦航行,在马萨诸塞的普利茅斯登陆上岸,从此定居下来。第一个冬天,由于食物不足、天气寒冷、传染病肆虐和过度劳累,这批清教徒一下子死去了一半以上。第二年春天,当地印第安部落酋长马萨索德带领心地善良的印第安人,给了清教徒谷物种子,并教他们打猎、种植庄稼、捕鱼等。在印第安人的帮助下,清教徒们当年获得了大丰收。首任总督威廉·布莱德福为此建议设立一个节日,庆祝丰收,感谢上帝的恩赐。同时,还想借此节日加强白人与印第安人的和睦关系。1621年11月下旬的星期四,清教徒们和马萨索德带来的90名印第安人欢聚一堂,庆祝美国历史上第一个感恩节。男性清教徒外出打猎、捕捉火鸡,女人们则在家里用玉米、南瓜、红薯和果子等做成美味佳肴。就这样,白人和印第安人围着篝火,边吃边聊,还载歌载舞,整个庆祝活动持续了三天。 从此以后,移居美国的欧洲人基本上沿袭了北美大陆上的第一次感恩节庆祝活动的形式。1789年,美国第一任总统华盛顿正式规定,11月26日为第一个全国统一庆祝的感恩节。但是,在相当长一段时间里,各州都视自己的情况规定节日日期。1941年,美国国会经罗斯福总统批准通过一项法案,宣布每年11月的第四个星期四为全国的感恩节。 |
-- 作者:Humphrey -- 发布时间:11/27/2009 2:01:00 PM -- 一篇应景的文章。世界上著名的民俗节日和特别设立的节日能够覆盖大半年呢。 有机会把此类描述节日历史和由来的好文章集中起来也不错。 |
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