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----  关于SKG2006的提问(help)  (http://bbs.xml.org.cn/dispbbs.asp?boardid=57&rootid=&id=35469)

--  作者:Leon.Essence
--  发布时间:7/11/2006 8:29:00 AM

--  关于SKG2006的提问(help)
中了一篇SKG2006的short paper,想问一下这篇文章是不是被EI索引

All accepted papers will be published in proceedings (CD-ROM) by IEEE Computer Society. So all accepted papers should be formated according to IEEE's Author's Final Paper Formatting and Submission Instructions (Online Author Kit).

Accepted papers will be classified into three categories according to content and quality: Regular Papers (6 pages), Short Papers (4 pages) and Poster Papers (2 pages).
Selected high-quality papers, after extension, will be published in the following international journals:

    * Journal of Systems and Software (SCI & EI indexed), SCI Impact Factor, 0.744
    * Future Generation Computer Systems (SCI & EI indexed), SCI Impact Factor, 0.555
    * Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience (SCI & EI indexed), SCI Impact Factor, 0.573

我的疑问是如果文章没有被选中发表在international journal上,那我的文章是不是还是被EI索引了

--  作者:YinglongMa
--  发布时间:1/25/2007 10:06:00 PM

It should be indexed by EI.
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