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----  2015年第5届力学、仿真和控制国际会议(ICMSC2015)-EI-6月-圣彼得堡  (http://bbs.xml.org.cn/dispbbs.asp?boardid=62&rootid=&id=128569)

--  作者:爱学雅士
--  发布时间:12/5/2014 3:45:00 PM

--  2015年第5届力学、仿真和控制国际会议(ICMSC2015)-EI-6月-圣彼得堡

圣彼得堡,俄罗斯, 2015年6月14-15日

•Acoustics and Noise Control
•Applied Mechanics
•Automation, Mechatronics and Robotics
•Automotive Engineering
•Agent Based Simulation
•Analytical and Stochastic Modeling Techniques and Applications
•Bond Graph Modeling
•Chaos Modeling, Control and Signal Transmission
•Circuit simulation & modeling
•Computational and Systems Biologymm
•Device simulation & modeling
•Discrete and numerical simulation
•Discrete Event Modeling and Simulation in Production, Logistics and Transport
•Emerging technologies and applications
•Finite and boundary element techniques
•High Performance Computing & Simulation
•Information and scientific visualization
•Knowledge-based simulation
•Mathematical and Numerical methods in simulation & modeling
•Object-oriented simulation
•Parallel and distributed computing simulation
•Simulation Application in Industry
•Simulation in Industry
•Simulation of Complex Systems
•Simulation of Intelligent Systems
•Simulation, Experimental Science and Engineering

二、 重要日期


三、 投稿方式(两种方式任选一种即可,切勿两种方式都提交文章)

四、 联系方式
联系邮箱: icmsc@sciei.org
联系电话: +86-18207777775

五、 出版说明
Accepted and registered papers will be published by Applied Mechanics and Materials Journal (ISSN: 1660-9336)

六. 会议地点
Holiday Inn Moskovskye Vorota, St. Petersburg

七、 委员会
International Advisory Committee
Prof.Vinod Kumar, Carleton University, Canada
Prof.Krishna Dev Kumar, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada
Prof.Konstantin NEUSIPIN, Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Russia
Dr.Shengli Yuan, University of Houston-Downtown, USA

Conference Chair
Prof.Marius Crisan, Polytechnic University of Timisoara, Dept. of Software and Computer Engineering, Romania
Prof.Andrey Viktorovich PROLETARSKY, Bauman Moscow State Technical University,Russia
Prof.Polyakova Marina,Magnitogorsk State Technical University, Russia

Program Chair
Prof.Nikolay Berkovskii, St. Petersburg State Polytechnical Univercity, RUSSIA
Prof.Vladimir A. Frolov, Samara State Aerospace University, Russia
Prof.Kudryavtsev Anatoly A., St. Petersburg State University, Physics Department, Russia
Assoc.Prof.M'Hammed Sahnoun, IRISE / CESI, France
Prof.Rasaratnam Logendran, Oregon State University, United States

Technical Committee

Dr.Zhengmao Ye, Southern University, Baton Rouge, LA 70813, USA
Dr. Ruichong Zhang, Colorado School of Mines, USA
Dr.Subana Shanmuganathan.Auckland University of Technology (AUT), New Zealand
Assoc. Prof.Maria Behulova.Slovak University of Technology, Slovak
Prof. Mauricio Plaza Torres, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, Colombia
Asst. Prof. Mustafa Tınkır, Mechanical Engineering Deparment of Necmettin Erbakan University, Turkey
Assoc. Prof. Fatih Onur Hocaoğlu, Afyon Kocatepe University, Turkey
Prof. Mohamed Fahim Hassan, Kuwait University, Kuwait
Dr. Othman Inayatullah, Universiti Putra Malaysia
Prof. Ai Kah Soh, Monash University, Malaysia
Prof. Sunil Bhat, School of Mechanical and Building Sciences VIT University, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India

Prof. K. R. Phaneesh, M. S. Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bangalore, India
Prof. Zone-Ching Lin, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
Prof.Lin, Sheam-Chyun, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
Prof.Shiuh-Jer Huang, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
Prof.Hongxia Pan,School of Mechanical Engineering & Automation, North University of China, Taiyuan, China
Prof. Miin-Shen Yang, Chung Yuan Christian University, Taiwan
Prof. heam-Chyun Lin, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
Prof.You-Min Huang, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
Assoc. Prof. Cheng-Chi Yu, Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan
Prof.Yee-Pien Yang, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Prof.Yen-Wen Chen, National Central University, Taiwan

--  作者:爱学雅士
--  发布时间:12/5/2014 3:47:00 PM

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