-- 作者:stupidcom
-- 发布时间:7/15/2012 1:17:00 AM
-- 【转帖】计算机与信息技术国际学生会议-2013-【上海,中国】
在网上查到的一个国际会议,检索什么的都还挺全的。希望对XDJM有用 网址: http://www.aisst.org/conferences/isccit-2013 会议主题: TRACK A: COMPUTER SCIENCE A01----Algorithms A02----Discrete and Continuous Optimization A03----Grid Computing A04----Parallel and Grid simulations A05----Distributed computing A06----Cluster Computing A07----Parallel computer architectures A08----Shared-memory multiprocessors A09----Multi-computers and distributed processing A10----Fault-tolerant computing A11----Applications and performance analysis A12----Agent Based modeling A13----Expert and Intelligent Systems A14----Expert Systems TRACK B: COMPUTER ENGINEERING Hardware B01----Computer architecture B02----Microarchitectures B03----Digital design B04----Parallel vector and media processors B05----Embedded processors B06----Socs B07----VLSI design B08----Computer arithmetic B09----Low power designs B10----Reconfigurable processors B11----Feed forward neural networks B12----Memory and logic testing B13----Design for testability Software B14----Backend compilers B15----System software B16----Software for automatic synthesis B17----Performance and software tools B18----Hardware software co-design B19----Software simulators B20----Code instrumentations and performance enhancement tolls B21----Design space exploration software for computer architectures and Machine organizations B22----Placement and routing algorithms B23----Physical design B24----Binary translators Networks B25----Computer architecture for Network processors B26----Interconnection networks B27----Internet and web processing B28----Mixed optical/electronic switches B29----Distributed processing, B30----Ubiquitous and unobtrusive communication environments TRACK C: INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY C01----Anonymity and pseudonymity in business transactions C02----Business architectures and underlying infrastructures C03----Common practice, legal and regulatory issues C04----Cryptographic protocols C05----Delivery technologies and scheduling protocols C06----Design of businesses models with security requirements C07----Electronic cash, wallets and pay-per-view systems C08----Enterprise management and consumer protection C09----Intellectual property and digital rights management C10----Intrusion detection and information filtering C11----Languages for description of services and contracts C12----Management of privacy & confidentiality C13----Multimedia web services C14----New cryptographic building-blocks for e-business applications C15----Online transaction processing C16----Public administration, governmental services C17----P2P transactions and scenarios C18----Real-time Internet E-Services C19----Reliability and security of content and data C20----Reliable auction, e-procurement and negotiation technology C21----Reputation in services provision C22----Secure process integration and management C23----e-Commerce C24----Smartcard technology C25----Transactional Models C26----Trust and privacy issues in mobile commerce environments TRACKS D: DATA COMMUNICATIONS AND COMPUTER NETWORKS D01----Internet Services/Applications D02----Network Control and Management D03----Quality of Service in Networks D04----Intelligent Networks D05----Data Traffic Engineering D06----Networked Databases D07----Data Communication networks D08----Wireless/Mobile/Satellite Networks D09----Cable Broadband Technologies D10----Mobile and Pervasive Computing D11----Streaming Networks D12----Telecommunication Policies D13----Optical Communication Networks D14----Network Performance D15----Network Architectures D16----Terabit Optical Technologies D17----Wireless Multimedia Applications D18----DSL Technologies D19----Network Processing D20----Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs) D21----Sensor Networks D22----Security/Reliability/Dependability of wired/wireless networks D23----Network Interoperability D24----Multimedia Communication over IP Networks D25----Voice over IP