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----  Call for Papers Special Issue (EIM2013) 多个EI期刊  (http://bbs.xml.org.cn/dispbbs.asp?boardid=70&rootid=&id=125949)

--  作者:ecsidj
--  发布时间:12/18/2012 11:58:00 AM

--  Call for Papers Special Issue (EIM2013) 多个EI期刊
Call for Papers
Special Issue (EIM2013)

Title of Special:
EIM: E-commerce and Integrated Management

Titles of the Journals:
International Review on Computers and Software (EI)
Journal of Computational Information System (EI)
International Technology Journal (EI)

Description of This Special Issue
In recent years, E-commerce is becoming a hot research topic and practice field. Also, integrated management is a new trend owing to fast development of information technology. So, E-commerce and integrated management are all hot topics in information technology and management science community. We are witnessing many rapid scientific and technological developments in these research fields. In order to gather the related research works and provide a useful reference to readers, we select a wide topic area and plan to be published 1 or 2 special issues on international journals which are all indexed by EI database now.

Aim of the Special Issue
The purpose of this special issue is to provide a fast publication of papers on E-commerce and integrated management or related papers from authors with original high-quality contributions that have neither been published in nor submitted to any journals or refereed conferences. This special issue will publish the advanced academic and applied works from different countries and areas. So, the goals of these special issues are two fold:
1) Grouping recent advances E-commerce and integrated management.
2) Publishing a group of high quality and related research and practice articles.

Topics of EIM Special Issue
Topics of EIM Special Issue include but are not limited:
 e-Government & e-governance
 Theory and Developments of E-Commerce
 Knowledge Management and Business Intelligence
 Information Security & Risk Management
 Web 2.0 and Social media
 Operations & Services Management
 M-Commerce and Ubiquitous computing
 Enterprise Information Systems
 Knowledge Management and Business Intelligence

Review process:
- All the presented papers will be strictly peer reviewed by at least 3 anonymous reviewers from different countries or regions.
- Based on the reports by the reviewers and recommendation of the section chair, the final decision on papers submitted to this Special Issue will be taken by Lead Guest Editor.

Important Dates
Paper Submission: 10 Jan, 2013
Acceptance/Rejection Notification: in 2-4 weeks
Camera-ready papers due: 20 Feb, 2013

Charge for Special Issue's Paper: 800 USD (10 pages)
Price for the Extra Copy: 60 USD

Contact Details of Lead Guest Editor
Dr. Dai
Executive Editor
Information and Development (Hong Kong) Press
Email: eispecial@yeah.net

Send your paper to email eispecial@yeah.net directly.

 The submissions which are less than 10 pages will be rejected by Executive Editor without external review.
 Double-blind reviewing will be used, so please submit your manuscripts in word format so as to hide the names of authors and their affiliations by Executive Editor.

--  作者:ecsidj
--  发布时间:12/28/2012 3:33:00 PM

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