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    >> 本版讨论Semantic Web(语义Web,语义网或语义万维网, Web 3.0)及相关理论,如:Ontology(本体,本体论), OWL(Web Ontology Langauge,Web本体语言), Description Logic(DL, 描述逻辑),RDFa,Ontology Engineering等。
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       本主题类别: Web Services | Semantic Web | 学术论文    
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    发贴心情  WWW 2007 大会论文集 下载(包括长文和poster)


    WWW 2007 Conference

    A Content-Driven Reputation System for the Wikipedia (162 KB)
    A Fault Model and Mutation Testing of Access Control Policies (348 KB)
    A Framework for Rapid Integration of Presentation Components (315 KB)
    A High-Performance Interpretive Approach to Schema-Directed Parsing (184 KB)
    A Large-scale Evaluation and Analysis of Personalized Search Strategies (230 KB)
    A Large-Scale Study of Web Password Habits (178 KB)
    A Mobile Application Framework for the Geospatial Web (4,171 KB)
    A New Suffix Tree Similarity Measure for Document Clustering (158 KB)
    A Scalable Application Placement Controller for Enterprise Data Centers (232 KB)
    A Unified Platform for Data Driven Web Applications with Automatic Client-Server Partitioning (244 KB)
    ActiveRDF - Object-Oriented Semantic Web Programming (196 KB)
    An Adaptive Crawler for Locating Hidden-Web Entry Points (1,090 KB)
    Analysis of Topological Characteristics of Huge Online Social Networking Services (768 KB)
    Analyzing Web Access Control Policies (284 KB)
    Answering Bounded Continuous Search Queries in the World Wide Web (197 KB)
    Answering Relationship Queries on the Web (354 KB)
    Bridging the Gap Between OWL and Relational Databases (150 KB)
    CANTINA - A Content-Based Approach to Detecting Phishing Web Sites (604 KB)
    Combining Classifiers to Identify Online Databases (746 KB)
    Communication as Information-Seeking - The Case for Mobile Social Software for Developing Regions (278 KB)
    Compare&Contrast - Using the Web to Discover Comparable Cases for News Stories (294 KB)
    Compiling Cryptographic Protocols for Deployment on the Web (137 KB)
    Connecting the `Bottom of the Pyramid' - An Exploratory Case Study of India's Rural Communication Environment (345 KB)
    Consistency-preserving Caching of Dynamic Database Content (741 KB)
    CSurf - A Context-Driven Non-Visual Web-Browser (533 KB)
    Defeating Script Injection Attacks with Browser-Enforced Embedded Policies (201 KB)
    Demographic Prediction Based on User's Browsing Behavior (264 KB)
    Detecting Near-Duplicates for Web Crawling (120 KB)
    DETECTIVES - DETEcting Coalition hiT Inflation attacks in adVertising nEtworks Streams (234 KB)
    DIANE - An Integrated Approach to Automated Service Discovery, Matchmaking and Composition (201 KB)
    Do Not Crawl in the DUST - Different URLs with Similar Text (248 KB)
    Dynamic Personalized Pagerank in Entity-Relation Graphs (402 KB)
    Dynamics of Bid Optimization in Online Advertisement Auctions (335 KB)
    Efficient Search Engine Measurements (212 KB)
    Efficient Search in Large Textual Collections with Redundancy (179 KB)
    Effort Estimation - How Valuable is it for a Web Company to Use a Cross-company Data Set, Compared to Using Its Own Single-company Data Set (316 KB)
    Exhibit - Lightweight Structured Data Publishing (2,073 KB)
    Expertise Networks in Online Communities - Structure and Algorithms (580 KB)
    Explorations in the Use of Semantic Web Technologies for Product Information Management (420 KB)
    Exploring in the Weblog Space by Detecting Informative and Affective Articles (427 KB)
    Exposing Private Information by Timing Web Applications (166 KB)
    Extraction and Classification of Dense Communities in the Web (203 KB)
    Extraction and Search of Chemical Formulae in Text Documents on the Web (1,827 KB)
    From SPARQL to Rules (and back) (202 KB)
    GeoTracker - Geospatial and Temporal RSS Navigation (4,775 KB)
    GlobeTP - Template-Based Database Replication for Scalable Web Applications (190 KB)
    Google News Personalization - Scalable Online Collaborative Filtering (207 KB)
    Hierarchical, Perceptron-like Learning for Ontology-Based Information Extraction (175 KB)
    Homepage Live - Automatic Block Tracing for Web Personalization (1,782 KB)
    Identifying and Discriminating Between Web and Peer-to-Peer Traffic in the Network Core (800 KB)
    Information Flow Modeling based on Diffusion Rate for Prediction and Ranking (405 KB)
    Integrating Value-based Requirement Engineering Models to WebML using VIP Business Modeling Framework 1 (1,025 KB)
    Internet-Scale Collection of Human-Reviewed Data (361 KB)
    Introduction and Evaluation of Martlet, a Scientific Workflow Language for Abstracted Parallelisation (108 KB)
    Investigating Behavioral Variability in Web Search (225 KB)
    Is High-Quality VoD Feasible using P2P Swarming (1,148 KB)
    Just the Right Amount - Extracting Modules from Ontologies (298 KB)
    Learning Information Intent via Observation (378 KB)
    Learning to Detect Phishing Emails (172 KB)
    Long Distance Wireless Mesh Network Planning - Problem Formulation and Solution (409 KB)
    Mapping-Driven XML Transformation (207 KB)
    Measuring Semantic Similarity between Words Using Web Search Engines (223 KB)
    Multiway SLCA-based Keyword Search in XML Data (212 KB)
    MyXDNS - A Request Routing DNS Server With Decoupled Server Selection (286 KB)
    Navigating the Intranet with High Precision (154 KB)
    Navigation-Aided Retrieval (226 KB)
    NetProbe - A Fast and Scalable System for Fraud Detection in Online Auction Networks (1,072 KB)
    On Anonymizing Query Logs via Token-based Hashing (262 KB)
    Ontology Summarization Based on RDF Sentence Graph (788 KB)
    Open User Profiles for Adaptive News Systems - Help or Harm (449 KB)
    Optimal Audio-Visual Representations for Illiterate Users of Computers (1,295 KB)
    Optimized Query Planning of Continuous Aggregation Queries in Dynamic Data Dissemination Networks (266 KB)
    Optimizing Web Search Using Social Annotations (318 KB)
    Organizing and Searching the World Wide Web of Facts Step Two - Harnessing the Wisdom of the Crowds (155 KB)
    P-TAG - Large Scale Automatic Generation of Personalized Annotation TAGs for the Web (231 KB)
    Page-level Template Detection via Isotonic Smoothing (227 KB)
    Predicting Clicks - Estimating the Click-Through Rate for New Ads (278 KB)
    Preference-based Selection of Highly Configurable Web Services (217 KB)
    Privacy-Enhancing Personalized Web Search (246 KB)
    Prive - Anonymous Location-Based Queries in (721 KB)
    Querying and Maintaining a Compact XML Storage (277 KB)
    Random Web Crawls (754 KB)
    Reliable QoS Monitoring Based on Client Feedback (253 KB)
    Robust Methodologies for Modeling Web Click Distributions (159 KB)
    Robust Web Page Segmentation for Mobile Terminal Using Content-Distances and Page Layout Information (2,475 KB)
    Scaling Up All Pairs Similarity Search (411 KB)
    Semi-Automated Adaptation of Service Interactions (633 KB)
    Spam Double-Funnel - Connecting Web Spammers with Advertisers (313 KB)
    SPARQ2L - Towards Support for Subgraph Extraction Queries in RDF Databases (418 KB)
    Speeding up Adaptation of Web Service Compositions Using Expiration Times (197 KB)
    Subspace - Secure Cross-Domain Communication for Web Mashups (149 KB)
    Summarizing Email Conversations with Clue Words (176 KB)
    Supervised Rank Aggregation (451 KB)
    Supporting End-Users in the Creation of Dependable Web Clips (1,292 KB)
    The Complex Dynamics of Collaborative Tagging (288 KB)
    The Discoverability of the Web (264 KB)
    The Two Cultures (619 KB)
    Topic Sentiment Mixture - Modeling Facets and Opinions in Weblogs (244 KB)
    Toward Expressive Syndication on the Web (210 KB)
    Towards Domain-Independent Information Extraction from Web Tables (342 KB)
    Towards Effective Browsing of Large Scale Social Annotations (391 KB)
    Towards the Theoretical Foundation of Choreography (160 KB)
    Turning Portlets into Services - The Consumer Profile (387 KB)
    Using Google Distance to Weight Approximate Ontology Matches (210 KB)
    Visibly Pushdown Automata for Streaming XML (185 KB)
    Web Object Retrieval (391 KB)
    Web Projections - Learning from Contextual Subgraphs of the Web (262 KB)
    Wherefore Art Thou R3579X Anonymized Social Networks, Hidden Patterns, and Structural Steganography (201 KB)
    Why We Search - Visualizing and Predicting User Behavior (613 KB)
    XML Design for Relational Storage (206 KB)
    YAGO - A Core of Semantic Knowledge Unifying WordNet and Wikipedia (161 KB)

    WWW 2007 Workshop

    A collaborative and feature-based approach to Context-Sensitive Service Discovery (412 KB)
    A Genome - Phenome Integrated Approach for Mining Disease-Causal Genes using Semantic Web (333 KB)
    A grounded ontology for identity and reference of web resources (349 KB)
    A Large-Scale Study of Link Spam Detection by Graph Algorithms (84 KB)
    A Simulation Framework for Evaluating Designs for Sponsored Search Markets (100 KB)
    A Study of Mobile Search Queries in Japan (328 KB)
    A Taxonomy of JavaScript Redirection Spam (365 KB)
    Adaptive Medical Workflow Using BPEL Process and Ontological Knowledge Base (108 KB)
    Adding Value to Biodiversity Images through Community Annotation in the Morphbank System (92 KB)
    An experiment in integrating large biomedical knowledge resources with RDF - Application to associating genotype and phenotype information (232 KB)
    An Experiment on Using Temporal Ontologies to Reason about Localization and Transport of Fungal Proteins (192 KB)
    An Incentive-Compatible Multi-Armed Bandit Mechanism (137 KB)
    An Overview of the SWAN 1.0 Discourse Ontology (514 KB)
    Applying Collaborative Tagging to E-Learning (478 KB)
    Auctions with Revenue Guarantees for Sponsored Search (268 KB)
    Bio2RDF - Towards A Mashup To Build Bioinformatics Knowledge System (433 KB)
    BOWiki - a collaborative annotation and ontology curation framework (130 KB)
    Budget Constrained Bidding in Keyword Auctions and Online Knapsack Problems (203 KB)
    C-ODO - an OWL meta-model for collaborative ontology design (558 KB)
    Can We Find Common Rules of Browsing Behavior (268 KB)
    Collaborative Protege (134 KB)
    Collaboratively building structured knowledge with DBin - from del.icio.us tags to an 'RDFS Folksonomy' (846 KB)
    Combating Spam in Tagging Systems (191 KB)
    Comparing Click Logs and Editorial Labels for Training Query Rewriting (108 KB)
    Computer-Supported Collaborative Knowledge Modeling in Ecology (148 KB)
    Computing Trusted Authority Scores in Peer-to-Peer Web Search Networks (1,308 KB)
    Content Analysis Techniques to Ease Browsing with Handhelds (94 KB)
    Cost of Conciseness in Sponsored Search Auctions (112 KB)
    Devices to access Internet in Developing Countries (52 KB)
    Distributed Construction of Ontologies Using Hozo (340 KB)
    Dynamic Ef cient Auctions (235 KB)
    Dynamic Integration of Medical Ontologies in Large Scale (257 KB)
    Dynamics of Strategic Manipulation in Ad-Words Auction (125 KB)
    Emerging Motivations for Tagging - Expression, Performance, and Activism (151 KB)
    Empirical Price Modeling for Sponsored Search (241 KB)
    Epoch Clinical Trial Ontologies to Support Clinical Trials Management (17 KB)
    Extracting Link Spam using Biased Random Walks From Spam Seed Sets (229 KB)
    Formalization, User Strategy and Interaction Design - Users' Behaviour with Discourse Tagging Semantics (841 KB)
    Fostering knowledge evolution through community-based participation (641 KB)
    Functional Faceted Web Query Analysis (135 KB)
    Identity - How To Name It, How To Find It (287 KB)
    Improving Ontology Recommendation and Reuse in WebCORE by Collaborative Assessments(1) (766 KB)
    Improving Ontology Recommendation and Reuse in WebCORE by Collaborative Assessments (181 KB)
    Improving Web Spam Classification using Rank-time Features (131 KB)
    Improving Web Spam Classifiers Using Link Structure (156 KB)
    Keyword Generation for Search Engine Advertising using Semantic Similarity between Terms (156 KB)
    kiwanja.net Position Paper Mobile Web in the Developing World - MobEA V (93 KB)
    Learning User Profiles from Tagging Data and Leveraging them for Personal(ized) Information Access (216 KB)
    Library of Congress Outreach to the Developing World - The World Digital Library Initiative (22 KB)
    Measuring Similarity to Detect Qualified Links (299 KB)
    Network Properties of Folksonomies (3,527 KB)
    New Metrics for Reputation Management in P2P Networks (811 KB)
    OKKAM - Enabling a Web of Entities (233 KB)
    Ontology Maturing - a Collaborative Web 2.0 Approach to Ontology Engineering (3,303 KB)
    Ontology-based Data Quality enhancement for Drug Databases (159 KB)
    OntoWiki (346 KB)
    Organizing Publications and Bookmarks in BibSonomy (645 KB)
    People's Query Logs - Personal Information Management (15 KB)
    Performing Object Consolidation on the Semantic Web Data Graph (183 KB)
    Position Paper - Access to Query Logs - An Academic Researcher's Point of View (77 KB)
    Preserving the Collective Expressions of the Human Consciousness (20 KB)
    Profiling Topics on the Web (168 KB)
    Promotion of Ontological Comprehension - Exposing Terms and Metadata with Web 2.0 (370 KB)
    Query Logs Alone are not Enough (338 KB)
    Referent Tracking and Its Applications (183 KB)
    Search Advertising Based Promotion Strategies for Online Retailers (223 KB)
    SemKey - A Semantic Collaborative Tagging System (415 KB)
    SOBOLEO - Social Bookmarking and Lighweight Engineering of Ontologies (676 KB)
    SOVoIP - True Convergence of Data and Voice Network (151 KB)
    Splog Detection Using Self-similarity Analysis on Blog Temporal Dynamics (666 KB)
    Sponsored Search with Contexts (170 KB)
    Stochastic Models for Budget Optimization in Search-Based Advertising (156 KB)
    Tag-Cloud Drawing - Algorithms for Cloud Visualization (761 KB)
    The Effect on Click-through of Combining Sponsored and Non sponsored Search Engine Results in a Single Listing (201 KB)
    The State of the Nation in Data Integration (113 KB)
    Towards a Semantic Knowledge Base for Yeast Biologists (338 KB)
    Towards federated Web2.0 sites - the TAGMAS approach (328 KB)
    Towards ontology-based disambiguation of geographical identifiers (221 KB)
    Towards Privacy-Preserving Query Log Publishing (78 KB)
    Transductive Link Spam Detection (268 KB)
    User 4XXXXX9 - Anonymizing Query Logs (68 KB)
    Using CAM-equipped Mobile Phones for Procurement and Quality Control at a Rural Coffee Cooperative (623 KB)
    Using Spam Farm to Boost PageRank (315 KB)
    Web - 'Greatest Equalizer' for the Developing World (127 KB)
    Web Search Engine Evaluation Using Clickthrough Data and a User Model (80 KB)
    Web Spam Detection via Commercial Intent Analysis (82 KB)

    WWW 2007 Poster

    A Browser for a Public-Domain SpeechWeb (151 KB)
    A Cautious Surfer for PageRank (36 KB)
    A Clustering Method For Web Data With Multi-Type Interrelated Components (56 KB)
    A Kernel based Structure Matching for Web Services Search (175 KB)
    A Large-Scale Study of Robots (150 KB)
    A Link Classification Based Approach to Website Topic Hierarchy Generation (181 KB)
    A Link-Based Ranking Scheme for Focused Search (150 KB)
    A Management and Performance Framework for Semantic Web Servers (63 KB)
    A No-Frills Architecture for Lightweight Answer Retrieval (64 KB)
    A Novel Clustering-based RSS Aggregator (278 KB)
    A Novel Collaborative Filtering-Based Framework for Personalized Services in M-Commerce (174 KB)
    A Password Stretching Method using User Specific Salts (334 KB)
    A Probabilistic Semantic Approach for Discovering Web Services (213 KB)
    A Search-based Chinese Word Segmentation Method (127 KB)
    Academic Web Search Engine -- Generating a Survey Automatically (382 KB)
    Acquiring Ontological Knowledge from Query Logs (264 KB)
    Adaptive Faceted Browser for Navigation in Open Information Spaces (259 KB)
    Adaptive Record Extraction From Web Pages (119 KB)
    Altering Document Term Vectors for Classification Ontologies as Expectations of Co-occurrence (887 KB)
    An Assessment of Tag Presentation Techniques (161 KB)
    An Information State-Based Dialogue Manager for Making Voice Web Smarter (203 KB)
    Anchor-based Proximity Measures (142 KB)
    Automatic Search Engine Performance Evaluation with Click-through Data Analysis (190 KB)
    Automatic Searching of Tables in Digital Libraries (156 KB)
    AutoPerf - An Automated Load Generator and Performance Measurement Tool for Multi-tier Software Systems (68 KB)
    Bayesian Network based Sentence Retrieval Model (34 KB)
    Behavior Based Web Page Evaluation (96 KB)
    BlogScope - Spatio-temporal Analysis of the Blogosphere (486 KB)
    Brand Awareness and the Evaluation of Search Results (180 KB)
    Building and Managing Personalized Semantic Portals (1,590 KB)
    Causal Relation of Queries from Temporal Logs (75 KB)
    Classifying Web Sites (51 KB)
    Collaborative ICT for Indian Business Clusters (111 KB)
    Comparing Apples and Oranges - Normalized PageRank for Evolving Graphs (155 KB)
    Construction by Linking - The Linkbase Method (770 KB)
    Crawling Multiple UDDI Business Registries (35 KB)
    Delay Tolerant Applications for Low Bandwidth and Intermittently Connected Users - the aAQUA Experience (182 KB)
    Deriving Knowledge from Figures for Digital Libraries (247 KB)
    Designing Efficient Sampling Techniques to Detect Webpage Updates (62 KB)
    Determining the User Intent of Web Search Engine Queries (180 KB)
    Development of a Semantic Web Based Mobile Local Search System (298 KB)
    Discovering the Best Web Service (84 KB)
    Efficient Training on Biased Minimax Probability Machine for Imbalanced Text Classification (98 KB)
    Electoral Search Using the VerkiezingsKijker (65 KB)
    EOS - Expertise Oriented Search Using Social Networks (252 KB)
    EPCI - Extracting Potentially Copyright Infringement Texts from the Web (174 KB)
    Estimating the Cardinality of RDF Graph Patterns (197 KB)
    Exploit Sequencing Views in Semantic Cache to Accelerate XPath Query Evaluation (97 KB)
    Exploration of Query Context for Information Retrieval (25 KB)
    Exploring Social Dynamics in Online Media Sharing (240 KB)
    Extending WebML towards Semantic Web (107 KB)
    Extensible Schema Documentation with XSLT 2.0 (398 KB)
    Finding Community Structure in Mega-scale Social Networks (Extended Abstract) (203 KB)
    First-order Focused Crawling (100 KB)
    Generating Efficient Labels to Facilitate Web Accessibility (85 KB)
    Generation, Documentation and Presentation of Mathematical Equations and Symbolic Scientific Expressions Using Pure HTML and CSS (219 KB)
    Generative Models for Name Disambiguation (520 KB)
    GeoTV - Navigating Geocoded RSS to Create an IPTV Experience (750 KB)
    GigaHash - Scalable Minimal Perfect Hashing for Billions of URLs (271 KB)
    How NAGA Uncoils - Searching with Entities and Relations (209 KB)
    Identifying Ambiguous Queries in Web Search (184 KB)
    Image Annotation by Hierarchical Mapping of Features (79 KB)
    Image Collector III - A Web Image-Gathering System with Bag-of-Keypoints (26 KB)
    Integrating Web Directories by Learning their Structures (175 KB)
    Learning Information Diffusion Process on the Web (77 KB)
    Learning Ontologies to Improve the Quality of Automatic Web Service Matching (132 KB)
    Life is Sharable - Mechanisms to Support and Sustain Blogging Life Experience (196 KB)
    Measuring Credibility of Users in an E-learning Environment (81 KB)
    MedSearch - A Specialized Search Engine for Medical Information (169 KB)
    Mining Contiguous Sequential Patterns from Web Logs (197 KB)
    Mirror Site Maintenance Based on Evolution Associations of Web Directories (76 KB)
    Mobile Shopping Assistant - Integration of Mobile Applications and Web Services (55 KB)
    Modeling User Behavior in Recommender Systems based on Maximum Entropy (64 KB)
    Monitoring the Evolution of Cached Content in Google and MSN (186 KB)
    Multi-factor Clustering for a Marketplace Search Interface (75 KB)
    On Automated Composition for Web Services (49 KB)
    On Building Graphs of Documents with Artificial Ants (641 KB)
    On Ranking Techniques for Desktop Search (86 KB)
    Ontology Engineering Using Volunteer Labor (150 KB)
    Parallel Crawling for Online Social Networks (307 KB)
    Personalized Social & Real-Time Collaborative Search (195 KB)
    Preserving XML Queries during Schema Evolution (165 KB)
    Providing Session Management as Core Business Service (287 KB)
    Query Topic Detection for Reformulation (64 KB)
    Query-Driven Indexing for Peer-to-Peer Text Retrieval (165 KB)
    Review Spam Detection (158 KB)
    SCAN - A Small-World Structured P2P Overlay for Multi-Dimensional Queries (111 KB)
    Search Engine Retrieval of Changing Information (188 KB)
    Search Engines and Their Public Interfaces - Which APIs are the Most Synchronized (94 KB)
    Semantic Personalization of Web Portal Contents (225 KB)
    Simple Authentication for the Web (320 KB)
    Sliding Window Technique for the Web Log Analysis (215 KB)
    Spam and Popularity Ratings for Combating Link Spam (178 KB)
    SPath - A Path Language for XML Schema (232 KB)
    SRing - A Structured Non DHT P2P Overlay Supporting String Range Queries (594 KB)
    Summarization of Online Image Collections via Implicit Feedback (654 KB)
    Summary Attributes and Perceived Search Quality (96 KB)
    System for Reminding a User of Information Obtained through a Web Browsing Experience (571 KB)
    Tag Clouds for Summarizing Web Search Results (273 KB)
    The Largest Scholarly Semantic Network...Ever (245 KB)
    The ScratchPad - Sensemaking Support for the Web (1,046 KB)
    The Use of XML to Express a Historical Knowledge Base (54 KB)
    Towards a Scalable Search and Query Engine for the Web (134 KB)
    Towards Automating Regression Test Selection for Web Services (45 KB)
    Towards Efficient Dominant Relationship Exploration of the Product Items on the Web (536 KB)
    Towards Environment Generated Media - Object-participation-type Weblog in Home Sensor Network (237 KB)
    Towards Extracting Flickr Tag Semantics (248 KB)
    Towards Multi-granularity Multi-facet E-Book Retrieval (331 KB)
    Towards Service Pool Based Approach for Services Discovery and Subscription (189 KB)
    U-REST - An Unsupervised Record Extraction SysTem (130 KB)
    Understanding Web Search via a Learning Paradigm (165 KB)
    Using d-gap Patterns for Index Compression (161 KB)
    Utility Analysis for Topically Biased PageRank (245 KB)
    Visualizing Structural Patterns in Web Collections (195 KB)
    Web Mashup Scripting Language (194 KB)
    Web Page Classification with Heterogeneous Data Fusion (88 KB)
    Web4CE - Accessing Web-based Applications on Consumer Devices (575 KB)
    XML-Based Multimodal Interaction Framework for Contact Center Applications (196 KB)
    XML-Based XML Schema Access (395 KB)

    [此贴子已经被作者于2011-1-3 22:29:37编辑过]

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    主题:  [B] WWW 2007 大会论文集 下载(包括长文和po..(32756字) - admin,2007年5月20日
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